"Well, traps can be done, and done to work. But it's tricky to do it without it obviously being a trap. If who ever or what ever is smart enough to recognize one, naturally it wouldn't work." Casey nearly kicked himself for just letting that out again. He had to work on the geek thing. Really.
His eyes turned to Colby as she went to answer his question, expecting anything other than the answer he got. He figured she was bored, or looking for someone else. Never that she wanted to ask him to a dance. Or that she seemed to be nervous about it.
Casey opened his mouth to answer, and fearing that all that would tumble out would be a jumble of words he quickly shut it. Although he was convinced his face had gone a light shade of pink, he attempted to swallow his own shock and offer her a smile. "I would love to."
Colby felt her own cheeks warm when he answered, and she grinned widely if a little nervously. "Really? I mean, yeah, I guess you wouldn't really say yes if you didn't so, um." She cut herself off and took a breath, smiling again at him. "Awesome!"
She relaxed a little in the chair, the nervous energy from before leaving her and allowing her to sit more easily. And decided to tackle easier tracks of conversation. "So how're you going to build the tracking devices?"
He chuckled a little bit, glad to see that smile. He had a bit of a problem keeping one off of his face as well. Never before had a girl asked him to a dance and it was a true battle of willpower to not grin like a moron about it.
Then, a thought occurred to him. Wasn't it traditional or something to match your date's dress? Casey thought it better to ask before getting distracted by talk of tracking devices. "Do you have a dress picked out yet? If you don't that's fine I was just curious as to the color..."
He scooted himself over so there was more room on the couch for her, and he patted the empty space beside him for her to sit if she liked. It was better for him to show her anyway. "There are pre-built things you can get, but they're just expensive. Doing it myself, I need a transmitter and then a device that will pick up that signal. I can take one of those key-finder things and alter it. Probably use some sort of radio signal."
She couldn't help the excited little bounce as she wrapped her arms her legs and ducked her chin between her knees, trying to contain her smile a bit. A part of her just wanted to jump up and do a little dance, though.
His question made her pause though and she blinked. She hadn't thought about a dress or anything, but she did remember that it was kind of customary to match. "Um, I didn't really decide on anything, but we can figure it out?" She smiled a bit. "I've got few dresses in some different colors, maybe something of yours matches?"
At his gesture, she smiled and moved herself over onto the couch next to Casey, curling her legs up under her. She leaned in slightly to see the screen. "Well, isn't it also more fun to make it yourself? Do you need to shop for the stuff? Or can you use everyday things to do it?"
Casey shrugged. "By all means, wear whatever you want. I just don't want to like... clash horribly or something." In truth he really wasn't sure how this sort of thing usually went, so he was just winging it.
The other topic, though, he knew enough about. "Oh yea. It's always more fun when you build it yourself. I just need certain parts, namely the transmitters, to work from." He'f frown. "All I have on hand are things that are far too big to use in a case like this. We want it small and subtle so that who ever or whatever is taking the socks is less likely to notice it."
"Well, yeah, that makes sense." Of course, Colby didn't really know what she was talking about. She didn't have much experience in this arena and just usually hoped for the best. "I think I was going to wear something greenish? If that helps."
She nodded at his reasoning. "Right. If they notice it, they'll either get it off or break it or something."