Name: Crescent City Institute
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gimmeskittles From: [info]gimmeskittles Date: April 25th, 2011 03:15 am (UTC) (Link)
She smiled warmly at Rowan. "That's so amazing to hear," she said taking a sip of her coffee. "It makes me feel like maybe things are going to be okay after all. Maybe this isn't such a terrible place to be," she nodded.

Michi's face only got redder and she laughed even harder. "Oh I did," she said covering her face with her hands. "At least it will be memorable," she snorted. "And if he can look past that introduction... well... he's good in my books," she smiled.

"I agree, it kind of gave me time. I don't think I was really ready for anything too serious when we first started hanging out. I just had Izzy, I was still kinda back and forth with Eli, I was... confused," she shook her head. "It's different now though, I just... I want to be with him all the time," she pushed her hair behind her ear and grinned. "They really have taken off," she said smiling shyly.
cabotine From: [info]cabotine Date: April 25th, 2011 11:33 pm (UTC) (Link)
"It's a great place to be." Rowan said with a light smile. At the growing redness in Michi's face, she had to grin wider. "Oh, I agree. I guess... if he didn't run screaming then he's good to go?" She teased lightly.

"Well, I'm really happy for you two. Really, really happy. Maybe... we could go out some time? Like... the four of us? You and Gael and me and Keegan?" It sounded like a good idea to her.
gimmeskittles From: [info]gimmeskittles Date: April 25th, 2011 11:39 pm (UTC) (Link)
Michi laughed. "That's what I thought," she sipped her coffee. "I never thought I would get this lucky. I mean... he knew I was a little crazy and he still came back," she smiled.

She beamed at Rowan. "I'm really happy for you and Keegan too," she said brightly. "Oh!!! Like a double date?! That would be fantastic. The four of us should definitely get together," she smiled warmly. "What do you think we should do?" she asked enthusiastically.
cabotine From: [info]cabotine Date: April 27th, 2011 10:45 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Yeah, the good ones always come back.." Rowan said with a grin to Michi.

At the enthusiasm for the double date, Rowan was forced to rather rapidly think of ideas. "Uh, I've never gone on one before. A double date, I mean. Uhmmm..." She tried to think of the cheesy sitcoms and movies that she had seen in her life and pull ideas from there. "Rollerskating? Bowling? There's laser tag? An arcade? Or going to a pool hall that allows teens? The standard dinner and a movie?"

Rowan rattled these off as she thought of them, forgetting for the time her issues with coordination
gimmeskittles From: [info]gimmeskittles Date: April 27th, 2011 10:48 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Ooo! Those all sounds really fun! We should run it past the guys and see what's good with them!" she thought about it for a second. "Laser tag would be super fun though and so would bowling. And an arcade," she giggled. "Let's just double date forever," she joked. "Oh! Mini golf!" she beamed.
cabotine From: [info]cabotine Date: April 27th, 2011 11:16 pm (UTC) (Link)
Rowan smiled easily. The thought of going out and having fun, in addition to the fact that it would be with Michi and Gael and Keegan, was something that she hadn't really known she wanted to do until the opportunity presnted itself like this.

"Yeah! Let's run it past the guys and see what they'll want to do. I'll ask mine and you ask yours? We can coordinate ideas?"
gimmeskittles From: [info]gimmeskittles Date: April 27th, 2011 11:19 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Sounds perfect," she said brightly. She had always wanted to go out with Keegan and Rowan but she hadn't wanted to feel like a third wheel or anything like that, so a double date seemed to be the perfect way to make that happen. She bounced a little in her seat.

"I will pretty much tackle Gael and let him know the plan," she grinned.
cabotine From: [info]cabotine Date: May 12th, 2011 11:24 am (UTC) (Link)
Rowan had never been on a double date, but that didn't mean she was any less excited to go and hang out with Michi and Gael.

"Sounds excellent. I'm so glad I ran into you! I do need to get going now, but text me or send an owl or something to let me know when you've let him up from the tackle to breathe." Grinning at Michi, Rowan went to stand up and grab her bag.
gimmeskittles From: [info]gimmeskittles Date: May 12th, 2011 05:54 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Me too!" Michi agreed excitedly. She giggled at Rowan's joke and nodded. "Will do," she said brightly. "Then we can coordinate dates and such," she stood and adjusted her bag on her shoulder. "I think I'm going to run downtown and see my little man before curfew," she admitted with a little grin. "I'll see you around though!"
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