Yes! That was part of what she was feeling! Encouraged by Michi's response she brightened as she spoke.
"Exactly! Like, I almost feel like I ...I know him, deep down, even when I keep finding out new things about him. He surprises me so often with things, but I feel like... like I've known him my whole life. Which it turns out, I sort of have..." she started to blush but just kept going with what she was saying.
"Like, when he said he loved me. I knew he did, kinda, already? Not in words, but somehow... I can't really explain it. It was still incredible to hear, and still surprising to me." She smiled at the memory of that day. "But he makes me feel like that a lot. Like something in me knows already, even if I'm not aware of it."



"Awww," she practically melted. "That's the best," she said softly. "I know what you mean about waiting though. Like... I want to tell him but it's so early, I don't want to freak him out," she related. "It must have been nice though, to say it out loud and just go with it and not worry anymore."
"Oh... oh dear... the first time I talked to him this year is kind of embarrassing. Like I knew him before through quodpot and stuff but I never really talked to him until this year," she could imagine this story was going to be one to do down with the ages.
"I was at homecoming with Mari and we were a little tipsy just talking about... ways to save the environment," here she looked at the table guiltily. "And I... kinda shouted to Gael so that the whole world would hear... Gael. Wanna take a shower with us? It's environmentally friendly," her cheeks were bright red when she admitted it. "And then the rest was maximizing space and bio-diesel," she laughed. "I was really drunk," she said again.
"Then we kinda hung out, I asked him out to lunch once and then he asked me out again. Nothing really happened for a while but then he asked me to the Valentine's dance and it was like... boom! Couldn't deny the things that were happening. So it was a slow start but since February things have just taken off," she beamed at her friend. "It was worth all that waiting."


She smiled warmly at Rowan. "That's so amazing to hear," she said taking a sip of her coffee. "It makes me feel like maybe things are going to be okay after all. Maybe this isn't such a terrible place to be," she nodded.
Michi's face only got redder and she laughed even harder. "Oh I did," she said covering her face with her hands. "At least it will be memorable," she snorted. "And if he can look past that introduction... well... he's good in my books," she smiled.
"I agree, it kind of gave me time. I don't think I was really ready for anything too serious when we first started hanging out. I just had Izzy, I was still kinda back and forth with Eli, I was... confused," she shook her head. "It's different now though, I just... I want to be with him all the time," she pushed her hair behind her ear and grinned. "They really have taken off," she said smiling shyly.
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