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yevgeni From: [info]yevgeni Date: March 9th, 2011 10:38 pm (UTC) (Link)


Yev beamed at Emilie's cheer. He followed her eyes and accidentally glimpsed a little more flesh than he ever wanted to see is his friend. "Oh no," he flushed red and covered his face with one of his giant hands. "I did not see anything! Well a little but I was not looking! I am sorry!" he really couldn't stop giggling.

"Here, here," he peeled off his purple shirt and put it over her head. "It is not a heavy shirt, you will like it. It smells very good too," he said adjusting it around her shoulders, his clumsy hands grazing her chest as he pulled it down. His face just got redder. "I am sorry!"
babalon From: [info]babalon Date: March 9th, 2011 10:52 pm (UTC) (Link)


Emilie burst into laughter. She shook her head, tutting softly. "Stop apologizing, it's whatever."

Tugging the shirt the rest of the way down, she tilted her head, her thin brows furrowing with the effort drunken thought took. "But now you're naked," she said, poking him in the nipple.
yevgeni From: [info]yevgeni Date: March 9th, 2011 10:59 pm (UTC) (Link)


"You poked me in the nipple!" he giggled. He adjusted his beads around his chest. "There, now I appear to be full covered, yes?" he asked.

"I lufffffff you Emilie," he said sweetly pulling her into a bear hug. "I do not want these slobbering fools to paw at your boobies. I will go naked for you!"
babalon From: [info]babalon Date: March 10th, 2011 07:48 am (UTC) (Link)


"But that's how you get beeeaaads, Baaambi." Emilie protested, giggling with him. She snuggled against him, too far gone to even think of all the people that she would rather not have hear about this kind of spectacle. Hopefully they were all too drunk to notice.

"You're too nice to me," She muttered, her head on his shoulder. "Why--why can't your broootheeeer be this nice?"
yevgeni From: [info]yevgeni Date: March 10th, 2011 08:02 am (UTC) (Link)


"Do you want my beads? You can have them all without getting your boobies pawed at," he said pulling the beads from his own neck and putting them around Emilie's neck. "Now you are the queen of the party with many beads," he said resting his chin on her head.

"He is not a nice boy, it is his thing," Yev said rolling his eyes. "I do not understand this bad boy thing. We are two very different people, Anastas and I. I barely know him, if he would listen to me, perhaps I would remind him to be nice to his friends," he said thoughtfully. "Or..." he paused. "Maybe I should just beat him up."
babalon From: [info]babalon Date: March 10th, 2011 08:10 am (UTC) (Link)


"I don't think these beads count," Emilie half pouted, the alcohol still pulling a smile up in the the corners of her mouth, making the entire expression a little lop-sided.

"No, he is not a nice boy," she sighed, exasperated. "I think..." she paused, mild horror filling her expression.

"I think I'm in love with him."
yevgeni From: [info]yevgeni Date: March 10th, 2011 08:17 am (UTC) (Link)


"Of course they count!" he said. "They count because you are so beautiful that I took of my clothes for you!" It totally made sense in his head.

Yev mirrored her horrified expression. "No," he shook his head, mouth clamped tight. "No, no, no. Do not think these silly things my Emilie, I do not want you to get hurt. Find yourself a nice boy, an accountant maybe," he suggested. "Or a veterinarian! They are always nice!"
babalon From: [info]babalon Date: March 10th, 2011 09:52 pm (UTC) (Link)


"I hate nice boys," She lamented, not even considering the fact that she'd just contradicted herself. "Annn-Annnd, I'm not hurt. I hate him! I HATE him. But what choice do I have? How am I going to meet an 18-year-old veterinarian?! Heeee jusss... keeps coming back expecting me to fuck him!"

She slumped completely against him, defeated. "And... I... DO."
yevgeni From: [info]yevgeni Date: March 10th, 2011 10:05 pm (UTC) (Link)


"Do you hate meeeeeee?" he pouted, letting his head drop lower, closer to her face. "Good. I do not want you to be hurt," he said snuggling her. "Perhaps you could date an older man who is a veterinarian. OR! You could find someone like Doogie Howser, that teenage doctor," he suggested unhelpfully.

He was completely mortified when she told him about her relations with Stas. "You what him? No Emilie! No," he lamented. "You have to respect yourself or something like that," he said pressing a big kiss to the side of her head. "Some day a not nice, not mean man will make you very happy. Or perhaps a lady, it is your call."
babalon From: [info]babalon Date: March 10th, 2011 10:50 pm (UTC) (Link)


"Nooo, I don't hate you, stupid." Emilie slapped his arm, having probably meant it as a shove, but she was leaning on him and drunk and-- yeah.

"Maybe, I should just kill myself noowwww," she said dramatically. "I'm in love with someone I HATE. I hate myself." She tightened her arms around Yev's waist. "I will never marry Doogie Howser like this!" She sighed, rubbing the side of her head, which had strangely become a little wet.

"But he's a gay, isn't he?"
yevgeni From: [info]yevgeni Date: March 10th, 2011 11:02 pm (UTC) (Link)


"Good, because I love you but not like lovey love, like I love you like not romantic-y or like like love. Right? You know what I mean," he said with a goofy smile. "I am completely... dedicated to you my friend," he said squeezing her a little tighter.

"Do not even think about killing yourself," he pouted. "I would be devastated. I will not let this happen!" he said firmly.

"DOOGIE HOWSER IS GAY?!" he asked loudly. "WHAT?"
babalon From: [info]babalon Date: March 11th, 2011 04:42 am (UTC) (Link)


"Hnnnn, Bambi, you're my only friend," She mused, pouting just slightly. It wasn't really true at all, but a lot of things she had said tonight weren't true.

Aside from the Doogie Howser thing.

"YEAH!" Emilie nodded vehemently. "Neal Patrick Harris! HE ONLY LIKES BOYS!"
yevgeni From: [info]yevgeni Date: March 11th, 2011 05:28 am (UTC) (Link)


"Lies, I am not your only friend. You have that tall girl and that silly boy and then there is the other girl... the Asian one! And Alex's sister! All your friends!" he said poking her nose. "And me of course, you will always have your Bambi."

"WHAT?!" he repeated. He couldn't believe it! "I do not have a problem with it. I DO NOT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT!" he said loudly so everyone knew he wasn't a homophobe or anything. "I had no clue that Doogie Howser liked boys! I bet that breaks a lot of girls hearts. He seems like such a nice guy," he giggled.

"I am sorry you can not marry Doogie Howser," he pouted. "He would have been good for you."
babalon From: [info]babalon Date: March 13th, 2011 07:43 pm (UTC) (Link)


"I'm sorry too," Emilie replied, forlorn. "It breaks my heart." She sighed dramatically, leaning her head on his shoulder again.

"What am I gonna doooooo, Baaambiii?" She hung off him, all dead weight. "I thinnnnk, I wann' go home."
yevgeni From: [info]yevgeni Date: March 13th, 2011 08:01 pm (UTC) (Link)


Yev couldn't help himself, he just kept giggling. "I am sorry, your broken heart is not what is making me giggle. That makes me sad. I will find you a nice man and if I can not I will marry you myself," he giggled drunkenly. "I will not make a very good husband but I will not make you cry."

"Come on, I will walk you home," he said supporting her. "We will walk, walk, walky walk. Wait... can you walk?"
babalon From: [info]babalon Date: March 18th, 2011 07:59 pm (UTC) (Link)


"Mmm, no. You would make the BEST husband." Emilie protested weakly, grin forming back on her face.

"I can-- I cann..." She slipped a little bit as she tried to support herself. "I donn' thinnnk I cannn?"
yevgeni From: [info]yevgeni Date: March 18th, 2011 08:08 pm (UTC) (Link)


He beamed at her happily. "And I will make you delicious food," he added rubbing his belly.

He reached for her instinctively when she slipped. "Emilie, we are in trouble, but I will fix this," he put an arm around Emilie's waist and pushed himself off the wall. "See? Steady as a... a... what is something that is steady?" he asked with a perplexed look on his face. "No matter," he waved it off. "Hop on my back! I will be your trusty stead!"
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