Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
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Crescent City Institute -
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Characters: Everyone!
Setting: The Van Rensselaer home, NOLA. Tues March 8th
Content: NSFW. Just calling that now.
Summary: It's Mardi Gras in NOLA. Naturally someone has to have a party.

Never mind that it was a school night, Quinn wanted a party. She'd been intending to throw one on Mardi Gras and had been working on her uncle for some time to let her have the house. Finally she had won out. Not only did she get permission, but Noah and his wife vacated for the next couple days to allow her the opportunity for the party as well as the clean up. There was plenty of room for people to crash that night before they had to manage to get to class the following day.

The main portion of the house was decorated with all sorts of Mardi Gras decorations. Streamers, masks, draped boas, and other brightly coloured items to mark the festival. Quinn had made sure there was plenty of starting alcohol available, all obtained through a reliable source and none from her own stash. She was sure more people would bring their own to fill it out. Even food was available, though the size of the alcohol table was far larger.

A house elf was aiding the hostess in passing out beads to the male attendees while the hostess herself filled her arm with a bunch to pass out as she made her rounds.

It's Mardi Gras, and it's time to party.

[OOC NOTE: Remember to tag yourselves!]

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whodoo From: [info]whodoo Date: March 8th, 2011 12:23 am (UTC) (Link)

8:00 - 9:00

Everyone make sure to get some beads!
whodoo From: [info]whodoo Date: March 8th, 2011 12:35 am (UTC) (Link)


Everything was in place and Quinn was wearing a smile as she greeted the few students who had arrived so far. She didn't know them and didn't really care. The rule was that everyone was invited so long as they didn't piss her off. What she had failed to mention was that anyone who did make that mistake was going to be deeply humiliated before getting tossed out on their ass.

That thought just made Quinn smile more.

She put herself near the entrance with her armful of beads and waited for someone to come through that was actually mildly interesting.
gimmeskittles From: [info]gimmeskittles Date: March 8th, 2011 01:08 am (UTC) (Link)


Michi was stoked for the Mardi Gras party, she had lived in New Orleans her whole life and it was just one of those holidays you had to celebrate. She practically bounced into Quinn's house already wearing her own beads so as not to get harassed by stupid underclassmen boys.

With a giant box of skittles in one arm and a box of kahlua shots in the other she could barely contain herself. "Quinn Van Ren!" she said brightly. "You look fantastic!" she said giving Quinn a kiss on the cheek.
Quinn/Michi - [info]whodoo
Quinn/Michi - [info]gimmeskittles
Quinn/Michi - [info]whodoo
Quinn/Michi - [info]gimmeskittles
Quinn/Michi - [info]whodoo
Quinn/Michi - [info]gimmeskittles
Quinn/Michi - [info]whodoo
Quinn/Michi - [info]gimmeskittles
Quinn/Michi - [info]whodoo
Quinn/Michi - [info]gimmeskittles
Quinn/Michi - [info]whodoo
Quinn/Michi - [info]gimmeskittles
aliensexist From: [info]aliensexist Date: March 10th, 2011 10:43 am (UTC) (Link)


Seth was unsure why he had come tonight, the music was awful and by the sight of the groaning drinks table, he was going to scraping puke off his shoes tomorrow.

Still, he was here, with only the slightest hint of distate on his face. Leaning against a wall and rolling a cigarette, he tapped his boot to the beat despite himself and sighed. One thing was for sure, he was going to need more beer if he was going to pass any of his beads out.
meandmyuke From: [info]meandmyuke Date: March 14th, 2011 07:35 am (UTC) (Link)


Apple hadn't been at the party long but he had gotten high before leaving campus. It was his pre-party ritual. So when he saw Seth leaning against the wall he was well blazed. He grinned a lazy little grin and meandered over. "Hey man," he said. "What's goin' on with you?"
whodoo From: [info]whodoo Date: March 8th, 2011 12:24 am (UTC) (Link)

9:00 - 10:00

Mardi Gras is in our soul
learntofly From: [info]learntofly Date: March 8th, 2011 01:28 am (UTC) (Link)


There was a plan and she intended to stick to it. Show up late, leave early. So far so good. Meka had skirted around the outside of the crowd, made the rounds and only had to tell off a couple kids for trying to get her to flash. Now seemed like the perfect opportunity to slip outside for a smoke and possibly sneak back to campus.

She made her way out the back door, she plunked herself down, stretching out her short legs. After lighting her cigarette she took a long drag, blowing the smoke skyward. She leaned back on one hand and closed her eyes, enjoying the sound of rain and thunder off in the distance and blocking out the sounds of the party behind her. She found it comforting, strangely peaceful.
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: March 8th, 2011 11:06 am (UTC) (Link)


Jenny had come to this party with every intention to talk to Quinn and then leave the premises as fast as her legs could carry her. Why did she feel this weird obligation anyway? It wasn't as if she and Quinn had ever been dating but with everything going on with Sera now.. she felt it was right to come and see Quinn. This wasn't the usual reason she visited the Van Rensselaer house, and it was weird to see it so full of people. When she had been here, it had been just the two of them.

She had almost found Quinn when she first arrived, handing out beads by the door, but she had been intercepted by Michiko effortlessly. Perhaps if she hadn't stood just out of sight rehearsing what she wanted out of tonight. Closure? Friendship? Those sounded good.

After that though, Jenny had slunk away on her own, nursing a bottle of Jones thoughtfully. She tried to find somewhere to sit, but not wanting to intrude on the people on the furniture, she wandered her way outside as well.

She almost didn't notice Meka, caught up in similar thoughts about the relaxing storm sounds, but when she smelled the smoke and glanced to see her, she was glad. Nothing like another nerd to hang out with. "Hey," she murmured, moving swiftly to sit down beside her friend. "Someone else who can read more than a picture book, thank god," she joked, nudging her.
Meka/Jenny - [info]learntofly
Meka/Jenny - [info]867_5309
Meka/Jenny - [info]learntofly
Meka/Jenny - [info]867_5309
Meka/Jenny - [info]learntofly
Meka/Jenny - [info]867_5309
Meka/Jenny - [info]learntofly
Meka/Jenny - [info]867_5309
Meka/Jenny - [info]learntofly
Meka/Jenny - [info]867_5309
Meka/Jenny - [info]learntofly
Meka/Jenny - [info]867_5309
Meka/Jenny - [info]learntofly
Meka/Jenny - [info]867_5309
Meka/Jenny - [info]learntofly
Meka/Jenny - [info]867_5309
Meka/Jenny - [info]learntofly
Meka/Jenny - [info]867_5309
Meka/Jenny - [info]learntofly
Meka/Jenny - [info]867_5309
Meka/Jenny - [info]learntofly
Meka/Jenny - [info]867_5309
Meka/Jenny - [info]learntofly
Meka/Jenny - [info]867_5309
Meka/Jenny - [info]learntofly
Meka/Jenny - [info]867_5309
Meka/Jenny - [info]learntofly
samtheman From: [info]samtheman Date: March 8th, 2011 04:43 am (UTC) (Link)


Sam had not given away any beads but some of the girls had strung their beads around his neck in exchange for a flash of the scars on his chest. He had gladly lifted his shirt with a goofy little smirk each time, making sure to thoroughly flirt with the sober girls and avoid all the drunkos.

He excused himself from a small group of juniors to scavenge for something non alcoholic to drink as he had run out of cherry coke a little while ago. Thank goodness for mixers, he thought to himself as he poured a coke.
londonloves From: [info]londonloves Date: March 10th, 2011 10:22 am (UTC) (Link)

Re: Sam/Open

Avoiding all the drunk people may have worked so far for Sam, but his luck was about to change as Mari spotted him and gave a tug on his beads. Her own neck swinging with them.

"Hey Sammy" she slurred, grinning. "Who have you been showing your boobies too?"
Sam/Mari - [info]samtheman
Sam/Mari - [info]londonloves
Sam/Mari - [info]samtheman
Sam/Mari - [info]londonloves
Sam/Mari - [info]samtheman
Sam/Mari - [info]londonloves
Sam/Mari - [info]samtheman
Sam/Mari - [info]londonloves
Sam/Mari - [info]samtheman
petitechou From: [info]petitechou Date: March 10th, 2011 11:11 am (UTC) (Link)


It was still early but Frankie was nicely buzzed, sipping on a corona and making her way through the crowds that had started to show up. Her shoes clicked along the floor and as she looked down to fish for her lighter she found herself bumping into someone gently.

"Je suis desole" she muttered, not looking up. "Who knew it could be so much effort to light a cigarette?"
drummerboy From: [info]drummerboy Date: March 11th, 2011 11:41 pm (UTC) (Link)


After smoking another joint, Shelby made his way back towards the crowd of people. Stopping to check out a group of cute sophomore girls, he pocketed the roach he was still fisting and popped open another can of Dr. Pepper.

He felt a soft bump against his side. Turning he had to look down slightly to see who it was. She was still quite a bit shorter, even in heels. "Oh oops." He half-apologized turning to face Frankie completely with a goofy grin. "huh?" He smirked, "Je suis what? You need a lighter or something?" He was already reaching around in his pocket to find his.

Frankie/Shelby - [info]petitechou
Frankie/Shelby - [info]drummerboy
Frankie/Shelby - [info]petitechou
howemuchtrouble From: [info]howemuchtrouble Date: March 21st, 2011 11:02 pm (UTC) (Link)


He literally had no idea why he was standing in the Van Rensselaer home.

Quinn was one of the students Keegan was not fond of, but a party on Mardis Gras wasn't a party to be missed and she did invite everyone. All he had to do was keep his head down, stick to people he liked, and not make any extended eye contact with any of the crazy people.

Keegan had lost Rowan some time before, and it was almost a pity with the several bands of Mardi Gras beads that hung around his neck. Still, he meandered through the nice home in search of someone he knew.
whodoo From: [info]whodoo Date: March 8th, 2011 12:25 am (UTC) (Link)

10:00 - 11:00

It's a great party, and anyone who doesn't enjoy Mardi Gras is not of this world
aguas_santas From: [info]aguas_santas Date: March 8th, 2011 05:40 pm (UTC) (Link)


Marina wasn't too dolled up for the holiday, but she did make sure to wear a cute bra (dodging her brother whenever she happened to flash it out). She had quite the collection of beads growing around her neck and was looking for some more.
Marina/Hunter - [info]itsnotjessica
Marina/Hunter - [info]aguas_santas
Marina/Hunter - [info]itsnotjessica
Marina/Hunter - [info]aguas_santas
Marina/Hunter - [info]itsnotjessica
Marina/Hunter - [info]aguas_santas
Marina/Hunter - [info]itsnotjessica
Marina/Hunter - [info]aguas_santas
Marina/Hunter - [info]itsnotjessica
Marina/Hunter - [info]aguas_santas
thatmachineboy From: [info]thatmachineboy Date: March 21st, 2011 11:11 pm (UTC) (Link)


Casey had spent the greater part of an hour debating on if he should bother venturing out to Quinn's party or not. It wasn't really because he liked or dislike Quinn; he really didn't have much of an opinion at all.

It was because of the boobs.

Not that it was guaranteed, but it was a holiday where girls gained beads by flashing. This was a party with students and lots of alcohol. It was a viable occurrence, and he wasn't sure if he could really handle it. So it was no surprise that Casey kept to the outskirts when he arrived, finding himself a soda and trying not to look too nervous.
whodoo From: [info]whodoo Date: March 8th, 2011 12:26 am (UTC) (Link)

11:00 - 12:00

Not celebrating Mardi Gras would have been a defeat
yevgeni From: [info]yevgeni Date: March 8th, 2011 03:14 am (UTC) (Link)


Yev was pretty well drunk by now having sipped on scotch all night. The thought of passing out beads had him pretty embarrassed so he kept the large stack of beads an elf had handed him around his own neck. He ventured away from the other freshmen, cutting through the middle of the room to get something else to drink. He very clumsily bumped into someone. "I am so sorry," he said before erupting into giggles.
Yev/Abernathy - [info]atotheb
Yev/Abernathy - [info]yevgeni
Yev/Abernathy - [info]atotheb
Yev/Abernathy - [info]yevgeni
Yev/Abernathy - [info]atotheb
Yev/Abernathy - [info]yevgeni
Yev/Abernathy - [info]atotheb
Yev/Abernathy - [info]yevgeni
Yev/Abernathy - [info]atotheb
Yev/Abernathy - [info]yevgeni
Yev/Abernathy - [info]atotheb
Yev/Abernathy - [info]yevgeni
Yev/Abernathy - [info]atotheb
Yev/Abernathy - [info]yevgeni
Yev/Abernathy - [info]atotheb
Yev/Abernathy - [info]yevgeni
Yev/Abernathy - [info]atotheb
Yev/Abernathy - [info]yevgeni
Yev/Abernathy - [info]atotheb
Yev/Abernathy - [info]yevgeni
Yev/Abernathy - [info]atotheb
Yev/Abernathy - [info]yevgeni
Yev/Abernathy - [info]atotheb
Yev/Abernathy - [info]yevgeni
Yev/Abernathy - [info]atotheb
Yev/Abernathy - [info]yevgeni
Yev/Abernathy - [info]atotheb
Yev/Abernathy - [info]yevgeni
Yev/Abernathy - [info]atotheb
Yev/Abernathy - [info]yevgeni
Yev/Abernathy - [info]atotheb
Yev/Abernathy - [info]yevgeni
Yev/Abernathy - [info]atotheb
Yev/Abernathy - [info]yevgeni
Yev/Abernathy - [info]atotheb
Yev/Abernathy - [info]yevgeni
Yev/Abernathy - [info]atotheb
Yev/Abernathy - [info]yevgeni
whodoo From: [info]whodoo Date: March 8th, 2011 11:44 pm (UTC) (Link)


One thing Quinn made a sort of promise to do was to seek out Jenny. Meetings with Jenny were usually pretty good, so she had no qualms about agreeing to find her. It just didn't go quite as smoothly as planned.

She had seen the blonde around earlier in the evening but, naturally, she was held up by other people. As well as the need for her own drinks. But before she could get any farther than well buzzed, she actively sought Jenny out.

It took a little while but eventually Quinn did find her and hurried up before anyone else could snag her, smiling as she approached.
Quinn/Jenny - [info]867_5309
Quinn/Jenny - [info]whodoo
Quinn/Jenny - [info]867_5309
Quinn/Jenny - [info]whodoo
Quinn/Jenny - [info]867_5309
Quinn/Jenny - [info]whodoo
porcelinaofvast From: [info]porcelinaofvast Date: March 9th, 2011 11:13 am (UTC) (Link)


Tatum had been at the party for hours, against her own better judgment of the situation. After the debacle at Valentines dance, she had considered swearing off social interaction entirely. If you didn't go outside, people couldn't mock you or kiss your girlfriend.

But her birthday was coming up, and she knew Frankie would never miss a party, and so here she was. She had been doing a pretty good job of getting destroyed and forgetting how bad she didn't want to be there. By the time she finished the first half of her schnapps, she was done caring. Her hat was backwards on her head, and she had a half-smoked but currently unlit joint hanging from her lips. Making her way through the crowd, she eventually found the smokers on the back porch area.

Lighting up, she turned unceremoniously to the person unfortunate enough to be standing closest to her. "No one asked me to show them my tits tonight. Am I ugly or what?" she asked, taking a thoughtful drag. "Maybe it's the hat."
Tatum/Apple - [info]meandmyuke
Tatum/Apple - [info]porcelinaofvast
Tatum/Apple - [info]meandmyuke
Tatum/Apple - [info]porcelinaofvast
Tatum/Apple - [info]meandmyuke
Tatum/Apple - [info]porcelinaofvast
Tatum/Apple - [info]meandmyuke
Tatum/Apple - [info]porcelinaofvast
Tatum/Apple - [info]meandmyuke
Tatum/Apple - [info]porcelinaofvast
Tatum/Apple - [info]meandmyuke
Tatum/Apple - [info]porcelinaofvast
Tatum/Apple - [info]meandmyuke
Tatum/Apple - [info]porcelinaofvast
Tatum/Apple - [info]meandmyuke
Tatum/Apple - [info]porcelinaofvast
Tatum/Apple - [info]meandmyuke
Tatum/Apple - [info]porcelinaofvast
Tatum/Apple - [info]meandmyuke
Tatum/Apple - [info]porcelinaofvast
Tatum/Apple - [info]meandmyuke
Tatum/Apple - [info]porcelinaofvast
Tatum/Apple - [info]meandmyuke
Tatum/Apple - [info]porcelinaofvast
Tatum/Apple - [info]meandmyuke
Tatum/Apple - [info]porcelinaofvast
Tatum/Apple - [info]meandmyuke
Tatum/Apple - [info]porcelinaofvast
Tatum/Apple - [info]meandmyuke
Tatum/Apple - [info]porcelinaofvast
Tatum/Apple - [info]meandmyuke
redwritinghood From: [info]redwritinghood Date: March 21st, 2011 11:31 pm (UTC) (Link)


Making sure that there wasn't a repeat of New Years, Sibyl had herself good and drunk by that point in the evening. Normally she wasn't a huge drinker but if she couldn't remember the evening there wasn't anything she could be too ashamed of. She hoped.

She stopped walking as she had to tilt her head back to empty the red Dixie cup in her hand, almost pouting as she looked into it when there wasn't anything left. With a sigh, she brought her hand down and heard the plastic hit against something. Sibyl looked down at herself and saw a couple strands of beads. Curiously, she picked one up and looked at it. Funny. She didn't remember getting those.

Perhaps there was already something she should be ashamed of.
whodoo From: [info]whodoo Date: March 8th, 2011 12:27 am (UTC) (Link)

12:00 - ?

Just because the party is over doesn't mean everything has to end
yevgeni From: [info]yevgeni Date: March 9th, 2011 07:09 pm (UTC) (Link)


Yevgeni was wasted at this point, he had enjoyed his conversation with his new friend Abernathy and had done a fantastic job of steering clear of most embarrassing situations. He wandered about aimlessly looking for his room mate or one of his friends, getting home on his own was near impossible. "Aleeeeeeeeeeeeeex," he called uselessly. "Briiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiian! Anyonnnnne!" he slumped against the wall, giggling uselessly.
Yev/Emilie - [info]babalon
Yev/Emilie - [info]yevgeni
Yev/Emilie - [info]babalon
Yev/Emilie - [info]yevgeni
Yev/Emilie - [info]babalon
Yev/Emilie - [info]yevgeni
Yev/Emilie - [info]babalon
Yev/Emilie - [info]yevgeni
Yev/Emilie - [info]babalon
Yev/Emilie - [info]yevgeni
Yev/Emilie - [info]babalon
Yev/Emilie - [info]yevgeni
Yev/Emilie - [info]babalon
Yev/Emilie - [info]yevgeni
Yev/Emilie - [info]babalon
Yev/Emilie - [info]yevgeni
Yev/Emilie - [info]babalon
Yev/Emilie - [info]yevgeni
Yev/Emilie - [info]babalon
Yev/Emilie - [info]yevgeni
Yev/Emilie - [info]babalon
Yev/Emilie - [info]yevgeni
sim From: [info]sim Date: March 10th, 2011 11:19 am (UTC) (Link)


Sim awoke with a start, his vision staying slightly blurry as he lifted his head. He was hugging an empty bottle of gin and in a hallway somewhere. At least the carpet was comfy.

What was going on? Was it a party? The details started trickling back to Sim and he tried to find his phone to check the time. How long had he been out of it? There was valuable boob time going to waste! "Fuck" he muttered as he found his phone, the screen cracked. Something else was in his pocket and he pulled it out, it was a bra and he waved it in the air at the people down the other end of the hallway.

"Who's is this?" His voice was hoarse but loud all the same.
Sim/Jenny - [info]867_5309
Sim/Jenny - [info]sim
Sim/Jenny - [info]867_5309
Sim/Jenny - [info]sim
Sim/Jenny - [info]867_5309
Sim/Jenny - [info]sim
Sim/Jenny - [info]867_5309
Sim/Jenny - [info]sim
Sim/Jenny - [info]867_5309
Sim/Jenny - [info]sim
Sim/Jenny - [info]867_5309
Sim/Jenny - [info]sim
Sim/Jenny - [info]867_5309
Sim/Jenny - [info]sim
Sim/Jenny - [info]867_5309
porcelinaofvast From: [info]porcelinaofvast Date: March 11th, 2011 08:21 pm (UTC) (Link)


Her run-in with Apple had brightened Tatum's mood about the party, perhaps a bit too much. It had only been about half an hour since she parted ways with her friend, and she managed to finish half of a tray of jello shots. She didn't know who owned them, frankly didn't care, and was only now beginning to regret that.

Stumbling her way back out onto the porch for the second time, she made her way to the railing and hung heavily onto it. "Oh shit," was all she managed, hunching over and clenching her eyes shut. It was luckily a dry heave, but she groaned just the same, eyes still shut. Maybe there was too much of a good thing.

Reaching up, she tucked her hair behind her ears and took off her hat, breathing deep and hoping not to get fully sick as she hung half way over the railing.
Tatum/Frankie - [info]petitechou
Tatum/Frankie - [info]porcelinaofvast
Tatum/Frankie - [info]petitechou
Tatum/Frankie - [info]porcelinaofvast
Tatum/Frankie - [info]petitechou
Tatum/Frankie - [info]porcelinaofvast
Tatum/Frankie - [info]petitechou
Tatum/Frankie - [info]porcelinaofvast
Tatum/Frankie - [info]petitechou
Tatum/Frankie - [info]porcelinaofvast
Tatum/Frankie - [info]petitechou
Tatum/Frankie - [info]porcelinaofvast
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