
"Bitch, don't even act like you're gunna take this," Hunter replied, without even a hint of remorse. She just needed to get a clear shot of that net, and it was all about the slam dunk. She had been pulling them off all day, half to show off and half just because. Once she got back in the position to pull off just one more, she was doing it. She had to admit though, Shelby was giving her a run for her money. He was pretty sharp when he wasn't totally blitzed out of his mind. Setting her feet on the ground, with no intention to let him get past her, until he dribbled to the left and just slinked by. "Prick!" she hissed, dashing after him in long strides.




"You gotta quit that smoking, boy!" Hunter chided him, laughing. "Making you slow as shit!"
He had her blocked though, she couldn't deny that, dribbling the ball furiously and trying to find a way around him. If she just got a little to his left, she could skirt around that way, and then it would be nothing but net. Too bad he didn't look like he was ready to let her go. "Stay right where you're at kid," she finally said, backing up a bit. "I'll fucking slam dunk it from here!" she boasted, getting ready to take a shot. She was pretty far from the net, if it even bumped the edge wrong, it was anybody's ball all over again.
Jumping, she put all of her force behind it, watching it sail through the air and toward the hoop.
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