"If not, you definitely would have been the deciding factor," she replied, laughing a little. "Your sister is the only one of you who isn't completely insane."
She grabbed a chicken finger, dunking it into ketchup, and immediately behind reminded of their argument in the car. "I'm telling you, they don't have fingers. And even if they did, there is no way the cuts of meat from them would be this huge. When have you ever seen a bird with a finger?"
"You say that now, but you should see how crazy she gets when someone leaves the toilet seat up" he warned Jenny, focusing on the chicken finger and laughing.
"Where do you think the expression 'flipping the bird' came from? Chicken fingers, babe."
"Good thing I'm not in danger of ever doing that?" Jenny replied, sticking her tongue out. "You're so retarded. That is so not where the comes from," she added, giving him another kick under the table, though this one much more gentle than the others. It was almost in jest.
"Seriously, I don't know about you sometimes," she murmured, quitting laughing long enough to bite the chicken finger.
"Well you're the one who will look like a jackass when that comes up in a pop quiz and you don't think it's correct" he sighed, polishing off the burger in five bites and starting on his fries.
"Oh yeah? What's that supposed to mean." He raised an eyebrow and smirked across the table.
"That means you're an idiot, and I don't know why I worry about your dumb ass so much," Jenny answered, avoiding looking at him as she spoke, double dipping her chicken instead. "What do you think it's supposed to mean?"
"It means you might be a smartass, but you're too dumb to stop caring about me, even if I am an asshole." He winked as he gulped his drink and stifled a burp.
"Yeah, I guess it does. What's up with that?" Jenny retorted, pulling her float toward herself and taking a long drink out of it. She used the long spoon to grab a bit of the ice cream, scooping it out of the glass. "I'm normally smarter than this, but there is something about your stupid face that I can't avoid."
"That," he said, pointing a fry in her direction, "is because you keep looking for me. I was doing an outstanding job of avoid-" Charlie looked up, guilt written across his face and popped the fry in his mouth.
Jenny frowned deeply, staring at him across the table. "And the truth comes out! I knew you were trying to stay away from me," she muttered, still scowling at him. "Not like that is rude or anything, you bag of dicks."