Name: Crescent City Institute
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walktheline From: [info]walktheline Date: February 6th, 2011 07:58 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Jeez, you take a girl out to dinner and all she can do is kick you for indulging in a sophisticated smoke" he muttered, rolling his eyes. "You know I need one after I eat."

He set to work rolling a cigarette on the table, he was just licking it when the waitress came back with their drinks. Popping the cigarette behind his ear, he took a sip of his drink and set it to one side.

"Do you wanna know what the most scary thing we saw in the woods were?" That was like Charlie, picking up a conversation that he had dismissed earlier.
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: February 6th, 2011 08:03 pm (UTC) (Link)
"I never asked you to take me out," she muttered, settling in and watching him rolling his cigarette, despite her earlier protests. He was right, he did need it, and there was no point in fighting him seriously about it. Her elbows rested on the table, and her chin rested in her palms as she stared at the tabletop.

She looked up when the waitress came back, reaching out and taking her drink. She mimicked Charlie, taking a sip before setting it to the side beside his. Her eyebrows furrowed when he mentioned the woods.

"I bet you didn't see anything," she suggested, mostly just wishful thinking. She really had no desire to know what was out there, especially if he was going to go around out there even against her wishes.
walktheline From: [info]walktheline Date: February 6th, 2011 08:07 pm (UTC) (Link)
"But aren't you glad I did?" He looked up to grin at her.

She was half true, it was almost nothing but he guessed it was at least something. "A fucking opossum" he revealed, shaking his head. "Little dude early made me shit my pants." He suddenly became very interested in the pattern on the table.

"You didn't need to worry. Emilie can do this transfiguration shit. She could see in the dark but she looked scary."
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: February 6th, 2011 08:16 pm (UTC) (Link)
Jenny hadn't realized that she had been fiddling with the straw in her drink and holding her breath, until she released the breath after Charlie's reveal. "That's it?" she asked, almost adding a quick thank god, but deciding against it.

She didn't really know anything about Emilie, other than who she was to see her, but she definitely had that scary vibe. "Funny, I thought you'd be into that. She looks like the kind of girl who could actually whip you into shape," she joked, smirking. "Maybe literally?"
walktheline From: [info]walktheline Date: February 6th, 2011 08:22 pm (UTC) (Link)
Charlie wrinkled his nose. He hadn't really thought about Emilie like that. Well, of course he had, he was a guy, but never seriously. He was much more into wholesome girls, they went along with him without many questions. Except for Jenny.

"Have you seen what she's done to that Bobby kid? His balls shrink every time her name is mentioned."
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: February 6th, 2011 08:35 pm (UTC) (Link)
"When has a girl being.. strange kept you away?" Jenny asked, raising an eyebrow at him. She had reached over to grab the ketchup bottle from the side of the table, one of the old fashioned glass bottles. She was sliding it absently along the top of the table, occasionally tapping it against her palm, trying to knock some of the ketchup down into the top before the food came.

"Do your balls do that when people mention my name? Sure looked like it in front of your buddies," she teased.
walktheline From: [info]walktheline Date: February 6th, 2011 08:41 pm (UTC) (Link)
"I don't like all that metal shit in faces. What if it gets ripped out?" He stuck his tongue out, slightly grossed out and watched Jenny play with the ketchup.

"Fucking A they do" he teased, grinning. "You don't know what it's like being me and being bossed around by you." But he was still smiling, because he liked it. It was nice to know someone cared beyond where their next joint was coming from.
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: February 6th, 2011 08:46 pm (UTC) (Link)
"I'm glad that I could be of service," Jenny replied, grinning over at him. "You'd get out of control if you didn't have me around. I'm like your conscience or something, I've been cursed into handling you," she lamented softly, giving a dramatic shrug of her shoulders.

"Could be worse, I guess."
walktheline From: [info]walktheline Date: February 6th, 2011 08:52 pm (UTC) (Link)
"You're my goddamn Jimney Cricket. About the same size too." Smiling again, the waitress brought over their food and ashtray. Charlie opened his burger, taking out the pickles and onions and waiting for his turn with the ketchup. In the mean time he shoveled a handful of chips into his mouth greedily.

"Yeah, you could be my mother" he said round a mouthful of food.
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: February 6th, 2011 08:57 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Some day you might be a real boy," Jenny joked, as the waitress brought everything to the table. Once she was gone, the blonde opened up the ketchup, smacking the end of the bottle roughly a few times, leaving a huge puddle of it on the end of her plate. It covered a good portion of her fries, but she didn't seem to care.

She handed the bottle off to him when she was done, just as she usually did. It was like routine. "If I was your mother, I'd get my tubes tied."
walktheline From: [info]walktheline Date: February 6th, 2011 09:03 pm (UTC) (Link)
He dolloped the ketchup on his burger and set it up meticulously before taking a massive bite. He sighed contentedly and wiped his mouth with the back of his sleeve.

"If I was my mom I would have got my tubes tied after Adam" Charlie joked. Adam was always a handful, even the army hadn't straightened him out yet.
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: February 6th, 2011 09:17 pm (UTC) (Link)
"If not, you definitely would have been the deciding factor," she replied, laughing a little. "Your sister is the only one of you who isn't completely insane."

She grabbed a chicken finger, dunking it into ketchup, and immediately behind reminded of their argument in the car. "I'm telling you, they don't have fingers. And even if they did, there is no way the cuts of meat from them would be this huge. When have you ever seen a bird with a finger?"
walktheline From: [info]walktheline Date: February 6th, 2011 09:21 pm (UTC) (Link)
"You say that now, but you should see how crazy she gets when someone leaves the toilet seat up" he warned Jenny, focusing on the chicken finger and laughing.

"Where do you think the expression 'flipping the bird' came from? Chicken fingers, babe."
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: February 6th, 2011 09:30 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Good thing I'm not in danger of ever doing that?" Jenny replied, sticking her tongue out. "You're so retarded. That is so not where the comes from," she added, giving him another kick under the table, though this one much more gentle than the others. It was almost in jest.

"Seriously, I don't know about you sometimes," she murmured, quitting laughing long enough to bite the chicken finger.
walktheline From: [info]walktheline Date: February 6th, 2011 09:34 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Well you're the one who will look like a jackass when that comes up in a pop quiz and you don't think it's correct" he sighed, polishing off the burger in five bites and starting on his fries.

"Oh yeah? What's that supposed to mean." He raised an eyebrow and smirked across the table.
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: February 6th, 2011 09:45 pm (UTC) (Link)
"That means you're an idiot, and I don't know why I worry about your dumb ass so much," Jenny answered, avoiding looking at him as she spoke, double dipping her chicken instead. "What do you think it's supposed to mean?"
walktheline From: [info]walktheline Date: February 6th, 2011 09:53 pm (UTC) (Link)
"It means you might be a smartass, but you're too dumb to stop caring about me, even if I am an asshole." He winked as he gulped his drink and stifled a burp.
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: February 6th, 2011 10:04 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Yeah, I guess it does. What's up with that?" Jenny retorted, pulling her float toward herself and taking a long drink out of it. She used the long spoon to grab a bit of the ice cream, scooping it out of the glass. "I'm normally smarter than this, but there is something about your stupid face that I can't avoid."
walktheline From: [info]walktheline Date: February 6th, 2011 10:12 pm (UTC) (Link)
"That," he said, pointing a fry in her direction, "is because you keep looking for me. I was doing an outstanding job of avoid-" Charlie looked up, guilt written across his face and popped the fry in his mouth.
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: February 6th, 2011 10:17 pm (UTC) (Link)
Jenny frowned deeply, staring at him across the table. "And the truth comes out! I knew you were trying to stay away from me," she muttered, still scowling at him. "Not like that is rude or anything, you bag of dicks."
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