Name: Crescent City Institute
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867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: February 2nd, 2011 11:15 pm (UTC) (Link)
Jenny had spotted Charlie long before he had even really noticed her. She had been at the library after class, changed into something more comfortable for the remainder of her day. She had been there with Sera, but now she was just on her own, making her way back toward Beauregard. She hadn't expected to see Charlie, hadn't seen much of him at all, or even heard from him.

It wasn't, however, as if she had never been thinking about him. To say that would have been entirely inaccurate. She had been thinking a lot about him, and things they needed to talk about, and that was especially true now that she had heard about this supposed monster hunt that the school was organizing. And the fact she had heard from someone that Charlie had volunteered himself willingly for this task.

She was not impressed with him, although this was the very first chance she had even gotten to see him in ages. It was only natural that she was going to tell him. She always sort of had.

Making a line for the parking lot, bag full of books still over her shoulders, she didn't seem to have any qualms about destroying his hopes of hiding from her. Even slumped over like that, she had him. When she reached his car, she stood just a few feet back from the other guys gathered around him, staring at him with a familiar annoyed expression.

She had always given him that look when they were dating, and he had really pissed her off.

"Can I talk to you for a second?"
walktheline From: [info]walktheline Date: February 2nd, 2011 11:22 pm (UTC) (Link)
Damn, she was like a Terminator. She never missed him and she knew she was stood there before she spoke, because all the other guys had gone quiet or were laughing under their breath. Taking a moment, he lowered his hand and barely nodded to her question, pushing himself off the car and walking away from the group without so much as a goodbye. They were laughing loudly now.

"What is it" he said gruffly, leading her out of ear shot.
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: February 2nd, 2011 11:43 pm (UTC) (Link)
Jenny couldn't help but smile somewhat smugly at the laughter. It did always please her to knock Charlie down a peg or two; it was nice to remember that he wasn't as much of a suave cool jerk as he seemed to have people believe. "Don't be so grumpy," she warned, walking with him as he led her away from the group of still laughing guys gathered around his car.

"I might as well cut to the chase I guess," she sighed, once they were far enough away. "You shouldn't go on that stupid hunt thing. If what I heard is true, and that you're going to be try to be all macho and go out in the woods and get.. eaten or something."
walktheline From: [info]walktheline Date: February 2nd, 2011 11:58 pm (UTC) (Link)
He grunted at her grumpy comment and stopped walking just short of the edge of the parking lot. He crossed his arms stubbornly and awaited whatever she had to say for herself.

With a huff through his nose and a smirk, Charlie leaned down so he was eye level with Jenny. "Oh yeah? We'll I've already been on the hunt and I'm still here, Princess." He eyed her suspiciously. "What do you care anyways, I can handle it. It's for the safety of the school, I'm doing a good deed!"
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: February 3rd, 2011 12:06 am (UTC) (Link)
"You what?" Jenny replied, practically squeaking, and reaching out to roughly swat his nearest shoulder. "You stupid asshole, I don't care about the safety of the school, you could have had your face ripped off or worse! There is a good deed, and then there is being a.."

She trailed off, finally giving up and just swatting him hard in the shoulder again. "An inconsiderate tool! Were you even with someone or were you by yourself!? You probably went on your own, knowing you!"

She really didn't know much about the circumstance of the hunting, aside from what people around classes had been saying. Most of it seemed like gossipy bullshit, things like using the students as bait while the teachers stunned the creatures, stuff of that sort. She doubted anything that horrible happened, and he did look just fine.. but she was still furious with him.

"Whatever, I don't care what you do. It's none of my business, I suppose?"
walktheline From: [info]walktheline Date: February 3rd, 2011 12:16 am (UTC) (Link)
"Yeah, imagine not being able to look at my beautiful face every day" he laughed, thoroughly enjoying winding Jenny up and trying to escape her swatting.

"I was with Emilie and Fortis" he yelled, grabbing her swatting hand and holding it down, marking the end of the real fight. He was still grinning but shook his head. She didn't understand.

"I just, I wanna help. I couldn't do anything at the Snow Ball. I have to do something!"
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: February 3rd, 2011 12:22 am (UTC) (Link)
She had been struggling with his grip, trying uselessly to squirm her hand out of his, but she gave up when he mentioned the Snow Ball. She scrunched up her face a bit, looking at him seriously, as if trying to decide whether or not she knew what he meant.

"Snow Ball? You didn't.. what did you need to do there?" she murmured, frowning a bit. She hadn't really talked to anyone about the ball since she and Ella had talked in their bedroom shortly after it all happened. She had mostly been trying to forget it, and letting the rest of the school do the same. She felt it was probably better that way.
walktheline From: [info]walktheline Date: February 3rd, 2011 12:12 pm (UTC) (Link)
Once he was out of the danger of being slapped, not that it hurt but someone might see, he let go of her hand and crossed her arms again defensively. He looked down at Jenny seriously but he couldn't quite meet her eye.

"I should have helped" he repeated quietly.
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: February 4th, 2011 03:08 am (UTC) (Link)
He seemed serious, and that worried her. There was really nothing he could have done, Ella was there before anyone even thought to move, even if he had been there. If anything, it might have started an argument between sister and ex in the heat of panic, and then that would have been a whole other ordeal.

"Nobody could help me," she blurted eventually, after letting the silence hang too long. "It just happens when it's going to happen, and then it.. runs it's course. It's not exactly helpable, you.. you didn't miss much," she added more slowly, glancing off for a moment, toward the nearby buildings. She didn't seem any more ready to meet his eye. "Don't worry about it, I guess."
walktheline From: [info]walktheline Date: February 5th, 2011 09:26 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Whatever, I guess" he said and stared at her. He was pretty sure he enjoyed avoiding her more than having conversations like this.

"You hungry? Wanna go get a burger?" When feeling awkward, fill your belly. It was simple yet effective, especially if it was a familiar place. He began walking back to his car and looked back to see if Jenny was coming.
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: February 6th, 2011 03:42 pm (UTC) (Link)
Jenny stared after him, briefly in a moment of disbelief that he could just change the subject so easily. She told herself she wasn't going to follow him, that he was being an avoiding idiot again, but her legs were moving on their own accord.

Before she even had time to protest, she was jogging a bit behind him to catch up to his long strides. "Only if I can have a cheeseburger," she muttered, once she was close enough, pouting at him. She wasn't ready to let the subject go just yet, but free food was free food, and she was sort of peckish. Just a little.
walktheline From: [info]walktheline Date: February 6th, 2011 04:23 pm (UTC) (Link)
Charlie smiled and nodded. "Whatever you want. As long as you don't call me a pig for eating like a slob" he called back. His friends had dispersed from around his car and he jumped in, flickig the lock so Jenny could too. It was spotless inside, he often cleaned the inside, it was kind of like being house proud he figured.

They were heading to his favourite place, a tacky 50s diner with a working jukebox. They did the best milkshakes and he was practically a regular. Jenny probably already knew where they were going, he'd taken her there countless times before.
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: February 6th, 2011 04:59 pm (UTC) (Link)
"You always eat like a slob," she reminded him gently, as she climbed into the passenger seat. It was immaculately clean inside, as usual, and she was actually pretty pleased with that. Charlie's car seemed like one of the few things that he showed this much dedication to, and it showed. "I'll just keep my comments to myself today," she added, as she latched her seatbelt.

She wasn't sure how she had gone from lecturing him, to going out for lunch with him. He always had the ability to do things like this to her. One minute she would be furious, and then he'd act all nonchalant and macho, and the next thing she knew, she was just going along with his plans. It was almost annoying, but somehow not. "You're still an asshole though," she muttered, for good measure.
walktheline From: [info]walktheline Date: February 6th, 2011 05:18 pm (UTC) (Link)
He swung out of the school and in to town, twiddling with the radio and settling on some cheap comedy show. They wouldn't be driving for long anyway.

"I'm only as much of an asshole as you are" he joked, chuckling. "Can you guess where we're going?"
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: February 6th, 2011 05:22 pm (UTC) (Link)
"You're three times the asshole I could be," Jenny shot back, unable to help but smile. He thought he was so funny, and she hated to admit that he sort of was. He always sort of had been. She reached out once he gave up on the radio, giving it another little turn, trying to find something she liked instead.

When he mentioned guessing where they were going, she heaved a sigh, eyes already rolling. "Three guesses, first two don't count? I'm sure I know just where we're going. Did you bring change for the jukebox, or are you just going to wing it?"
walktheline From: [info]walktheline Date: February 6th, 2011 05:28 pm (UTC) (Link)
Charlie shrugged, losing that argument. It was probably true. He side-eyed her as she fiddled with his radio, dreading what she might settle on. Didn't she know people might recognise them? He wasn't sure he was ready to be spotted with Katy Perry blasting out of his car.

He laughed when she guessed correctly. "Don't sigh like that, you know it's the best place to get a fucking burger."
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: February 6th, 2011 05:36 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Well, if we're going there, I might actually have chicken fingers. They have the best chicken fingers," Jenny replied, slumping back in her seat some once she had found a song she liked on the radio. She knew it would probably make Charlie's skin crawl, but that was half of the fun.

"Even though chickens don't really have fingers, so it kind of makes me wonder where the meat is really coming from. But they aren't all dark meat like some places.. dark meat is the worst."
walktheline From: [info]walktheline Date: February 6th, 2011 05:40 pm (UTC) (Link)
"All you eat is chicken fingers. I'm waiting for you and your sister to turn into fucking chickens" he joked before narrowing his eyes at Jenny.

"No way. No fucking way, giant asses are banned from this vehicle, man." Charlie made a dart for the radio, pushing in a casette tape as a last resort. The Doors started blaring out. "This is much better" he yelled.

"Sure chickens have fingers, everything has fucking fingers" he speculated.
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: February 6th, 2011 05:45 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Chicken is delicious, what's your point? I'm waiting for you to turn into a big nugget of weed, so I guess we're even," Jenny shot back, eyes narrowing when he slammed in the tape. She reached out quickly, at least turning down the volume a bit. He was liable to burst the windows with how loud he'd leaving things playing.

"That's racist, by the way. She doesn't even have that giant of an ass, and she is very talented! She's amazing!" the blonde retorted, sticking her tongue out at him.

"Where, by the way, do you suppose these fingers are? On the ends of their wings? Those are feathers, dumbass."
walktheline From: [info]walktheline Date: February 6th, 2011 05:54 pm (UTC) (Link)
Charlie was momentarily lost in thoughts of how fucking awesome it would be to be a giant bugget of weed, and turned the radio up a tiny bit just to annoy Jenny.

"Her ass is vast" he said, sniggering at his own joke.

They were almost there now and Charlie's stomach rumbled impatiently. He rolled his eyes at Jenny as if she was dumb. "I know those are feathers, but they got bones right? Bones coming out of their arms. Even fish have legs in their skeletons."
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: February 6th, 2011 06:04 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Her ass is fine," she replied, scowling at him.

She had turned her head a bit, looking out of the passenger window at all of the scenery as they passed. If she stared hard enough, she could almost tone him out, but not quite. "Of course they have bones. They're tetrapod vertebrates, are they not? And those are wings, not technically arms. That's what makes it a bird; there was only one species of bird ever that didn't have wings, and it's extinct, so I can safely say birds have wings, not arms. And there are no fingers on their wings. They can't like, pick things up, that's why they use their beaks, duh?"

When he mentioned fish having legs, she scrunched up her nose, turning back to face him. "You're full of shit, you make it sound like every fish has that."

Actually, she wasn't sure they didn't. She had never heard that one before.
walktheline From: [info]walktheline Date: February 6th, 2011 06:11 pm (UTC) (Link)
He scowled right back but kept his eyes on the road.

"Tetrapod vertebrates" he mimicked her, laughing. Sometimes she could be such a geek. "Besides, fucking Raptors were birds. I've seen Jurassic Park Three. Fucking Raptors were birds and they had fingers. Birds don't have thumbs, that's why they can't pick anything up."

He met her gaze with raised eyebrows, as if she dare contradict his fact. "I'm telling you, fish have legs." Signalling, he pulled off the road and into a side-of-the-road diner. Parking up he switched the engine off and it was quiet in the car and the radio died away.
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: February 6th, 2011 06:17 pm (UTC) (Link)
"You've seen Jurassic Park? That's your scientific proof? The third movie in a lackluster series? Not even the original, but three, and you're going to try to school me? Fuck off," Jenny replied quickly, scowling further at him. It was mostly the laughing that got her riled up. He was always laughing at her when she said something serious.

"I'm sorry if vertebrate is too many syllables for you. I can define if for you, if you'd like?" she offered, raising an eyebrow at him, a somewhat arrogant look on her face. How did he always get her like this? He was such an asshole.. mostly.

"I want scientific proof, and that means backed up by legitimate scientific journals and findings, that fish have legs. If you can literally prove to me that fish have legs, I'll eat my sneakers."
walktheline From: [info]walktheline Date: February 6th, 2011 06:26 pm (UTC) (Link)
Charlie looked crestfallen. "You don't like Jurassic Park? They had like, dinosaur experts on set making sure everything was scientific. That's your fucking scientific proof!"

Charlie fished in the dash for a few seconds, grabbing a few crumpled notes and a shit load of change before stepping out of his car and locking up.

"I will ask Professor Baer about it, get ready to eat your goddamn sneakers."
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: February 6th, 2011 06:32 pm (UTC) (Link)
"I only ever saw the first one," Jenny admitted. "We watched it with our dad when it was still kind of new.. it was scary when you're like five, okay?" she added, climbing out of the car once he did, and slamming her door behind him. Again, just another little tactic she liked to employ to get under his skin. It never failed to piss him off, just that little bit.

"I want Professor Baer to tell him himself. Or write it done. It can't just be word of mouth from you, because you'll lie to me, and don't act like you won't."
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