Boy did Jake go from hero to zero in the span of a few moments; he felt like such a fool, “No, ma’am, Mrs. Eastman, it’s not”, he looked at his professor with embarrassment. When she mentioned the infirmary, his blue eyes shot wide and he turned from Professor Eastman to Michi, giving his classmate a pleading look.
Jake smiled when Michi cleared away most of the blood pooling on his hand; the slice in his palm didn’t look quite so ominous now. He smiled and nodded his head in agreement when Michi informed the professor that it looked worse than it was.
When his classmate warned him that her repair of his hand would sting, he smiled and almost purred, “I trust you”. She didn’t know that her touch alone was working as a painkiller for Jake. He watched and listened as Michi healed his sliced open palm, “Fantastic…!”, he complimented, with a smile; there were a few tears in Jake’s eyes that he refused to let fall, for no matter how taken he was with Michi, the knitting of his skin did sting him a little.
He looked at his hand and laughed, “I think I’ll use the essence of dittany. Thanks, Michi!”, he held his hand up, “Scars might look…bad butt on some guys, but on me they would look crazy and I don’t need anything else to make people think I’m crazy!”