Name: Crescent City Institute
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gimmeskittles From: [info]gimmeskittles Date: February 14th, 2011 04:35 am (UTC) (Link)
Michiko couldn't help but laugh. It was the sort of ridiculous thing that would happen at their school. She scrunched up her nose at his next comment though. "Why?" she asked. Leon had always been a grumpy guts but after seeing a different side of him... she had to wonder.

"Aww, but you're so pretty," she teased with a giggle. "I call everyone a girl, I even call your best friend Grey girl," she rolled her eyes. "It's a figure of speech."

"Breaking faces..." she said thoughtfully. "We could always go challenge some of the boys to a match of two on two quodpot. Legitimate face breaking," she said with a smile.
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: February 17th, 2011 11:40 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Why not?" He countered, looking at her suspiciously. "People can't be disappointed when you're an ass, if you always are an ass." He shrugged. It wasn't entirely true, but it was close enough for him.

"I am not pretty. I'm...not even handsome. I am...something akin to road kill, I think." That he truly believed. There were loads more people at school that could be called 'pretty' well before him. "And your figure of speech is gay."

As for the offer to play some Quodpot, well...he made a bit of a face before nodding. He was hardly his game of choice, but it did have exploding balls. It was a good trade off for being a suck-ass game. "You're on." He said, standing again.
gimmeskittles From: [info]gimmeskittles Date: February 17th, 2011 11:49 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Fair enough but you seem to be an ass that people like," she grinned.

"Uh... false," she looked at him skeptically. "Leon, I don't know what rock you've been living under but you're gorgeous. Sure, looks like you could sleep a little more and maybe eat something but you're far from roadkill." She said seriously.

She pushed herself up from his bed and gave him a little nudge. "Come on bud," she said leading him out the door.
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