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Crescent City Institute - The need to know
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The need to know
itsnotjessica From: [info]itsnotjessica Date: January 15th, 2011 03:15 am (UTC) (Link)
"Better just be between us," Hunter replied, clearly sulking. Although there was still plenty of good humor in her expression. When Jake tapped her, she gave a little smile, playfully trying to shrug him off. "I ain't even! Seriously!" she protested, laughing some.

"That's why we work, 'cos we don't go and get all caught up in each other.. I do what he wants, he does what he wants, I do what I want, he does what I want, it basically works out in our favor everytime. If I went and got all attached and weird.. hell, that'd just blow it all to shit. So I ain't like that, I'm just.. along for the ride, man."
jake_frost From: [info]jake_frost Date: January 15th, 2011 04:43 am (UTC) (Link)
“Hmmm, Maybe I’m wrong”, he corrected himself, “You’re just a no commitment kinda person like me, I guess.” He chuckled, “You’re just not as much of a ho.” He took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his mussed blond hair, “You don’t need to worry, Hunter. I’d never talk to anyone about your feelings and stuff. That would be shitty.”

“It sounds like you and Gray have the kind of relationship I need to have. Maybe I could stick to one person for awhile if I had the same deal going that you guys have”, Jake reasoned. Maybe the next time his eyes were turned by someone, Jake would try to make it last for awhile. See if he could have a relationship…of a sort.
itsnotjessica From: [info]itsnotjessica Date: January 15th, 2011 06:44 am (UTC) (Link)
Hunter laughed a little, reaching over to clap him on the back as he mussed with his hair. "Chill out, bro. It ain't nothing serious.. and I can be plenty ho, thank you very much. I just guess I'm a li'l more picky.. well, with the fellas anyway. How do ya say no to a cute chick, right?"

Quieting down to let him speak further, Hunter shook her head a bit. "Only if ya think that you might want that, man.. I'm tellin' you right now, if might seem all fun and no commitment, but we still fight an' get on like a couple of bitches. If you wanna stick, you go ahead, but it ain't all fun and titties or nothing. You still gotta work at it.. enough to hold it together, anyway."
jake_frost From: [info]jake_frost Date: January 16th, 2011 03:46 am (UTC) (Link)
Jakes face flushed a little and he grinned shyly when Hunter smacked him on the back and tols him that she could be a ho too. Then she followed it up by hinting that she couldn’t say no to a cute chick. The way Jake’s mind worked, he immediately went to the Hunter doing hot chick visual. “Damn, Hunt, you got me turnin’ all red, girl! This should not be happenin’!”, Jake protested, light-heartedly.

He rubbed his chin and looked her in the eyes, “Well, you know, my daddy always did say, Ain’t nothin’ worth havin’, that you don’t have to work to get!” His mind ran through the girls at the school, wondering which of them would make a good, dare he think it…girlfriend.
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