Characters: Brody & Vinnie. Setting: Beauregard common room, Saturday afternoon. Rating: SFW. Summary: Delicious foods all round. Returning to school from break been nothing short of a bore so far. There still wasn't enough talk about what production they'd be doing in drama, she still didn't want to do the advanced herbology project due next week, and the only exciting thing in Brody's week was the quodpot victory the night before. And as amazing as that had been, now that the partying and rejoicing was over, she was just bored again. There was nothing worse than a lack of stimulation. Even if she loved to spend days at a time lazing around, there had to be something to do today. It was a Saturday, for crying out loud! Where was everybody else at? Well, at least she didn't have to spend all of her time cooped up with Josh anymore. That was a blessing, if nothing else. Josh and his stupid friends. Going outside for a cigarette had been Brody's only idea. And although the brief smoke only occupied a moment of her time, as the redhead was re-entering the Beauregard common room, she caught the whiff of something much better. Someone was cooking. Or had been. And it smelled delicious. Walking further into the room, and following her nose all of the while, Brody peered around for the source of the meal in question.