Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
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Crescent City Institute -
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Characters: Ben, Brian, & Erica.
Setting: Tuesday, December 14th. Redd Household [Gloucester, Massachusetts].
Rating: SFW.. unless Erica kills one of them from frustration.
Summary: Momma Redd has gone out to do some Christmas shopping.. and left Erica in charge. With the simple task of getting her brothers to leave their rooms and decorate the tree with her.

Erica had been intending to spend most of her day on the sofa. She was still in her pajamas, and she could curl up, grab a blanket, watch some television. Perhaps she'd bust out her KISSmas DVDs. She'd text some friends, maybe see what they were up to. If anyone was up for something fun, she was considering going out, but she doubted that. It felt kind of like an indoor lazy day.

After dinner, once she was well rested, she thought she might try to get a hold of some of her muggle friends from the city, most of whom she scarcely saw, even over break. Now that she thought about it, some of those muggle boys were really quite handsome..

Her plans came to a halt, however, when Barbie Redd poked her head into the living room.

"Erica, honey? I'm going to get some shopping done with Margaret. Why don't you get your brothers and decorate the tree? It's been bare for a week!"

She scarcely had any time to protest, before her mother was gone again. Erica propped herself up onto her elbows, listening as she heard some brief noise in the kitchen, her mom grabbing her purse and keys, before she called out again. "I'll expect it beautiful when we get home! Keep an eye on the oven, I put a roast in!"

Hearing the door shut, Erica groaned, flopping back onto the couch and covering her face with her hands. There went a day of relaxing. It would probably take her hours to convince the two of them out of their bedrooms. She was happy for her mother, really, she was. Barbie was doing so well, experiencing true freedom for the first time in ages, and Erica was glad for that. She wasn't a hundred percent sure what she felt on the divorce just yet, but seeing her mother happy.. well, that at least was nice. And since Barbie had joined a divorcee support group, it seemed like she had loads of friends now, loads of support, lots of other people to shop with, to have dinners with, to talk to, and Erica enjoyed having some of the support role taken off of her her own shoulders.

Right then, however, she would much rather have her mother home than out shopping with the fellow divorcee coalition.

Accomplishing the task of decorating a tree was never that easy, but it was only going to be harder with her brothers as her helpers. Assuming she could even convince them to help in the first place. Brian might be easier, but she was sure that Ben would give her a pain in the ass, as usual. Sighing heavily, the dark-haired girl pushed herself up from the couch, standing and stretching. Taking up her phone, she typed one simple text, sending it to Adelaide;

'I have to decorate all day with brothers. Alone. Mom bailed. Shoot me in the face please.'

Tossing her phone down onto the sofa, where it landed gently into the blanket she had been planning to snuggle up under, Erica began to trudge out of the room, making her way up the stairs. Stopping in the corridor, she peered down it, sighing again. Her own bedroom door stood ajar, but both Brian and Ben's were shut solid. Knowing Ben's, it'd probably be locked, too.

"Hey! Mom says you both have to help with the tree, and she wants it done before she gets back, so come on!"

This day just kept looking longer and longer.

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formaldehyde From: [info]formaldehyde Date: December 15th, 2010 12:22 am (UTC) (Link)
There was a small window of time after dinner that usually allowed Ben to practice his cello in peace, without any interruptions from his family.

He was less than thrilled to be back home, sharing a roof with the three of them was pretty low down on his list of priorities. It was just so... uncomfortable. He was sure his siblings agreed.

So when he heard Erica's voice in the hallway, he did the one thing he felt he could do. ...He pretended he didn't hear her, and kept playing his cello.
littleredd From: [info]littleredd Date: December 15th, 2010 06:58 pm (UTC) (Link)
Brian looked up from his Playstation portable, which was easier to haul back and forth from school than his playstation three. He stared at the door for a long moment, wondering why his mother would ever get the idea that he needed to help with this. It wasn't that he wouldn't, Brian was fairly willing to help where he could, it was just that...things always ended up more complicated with him.

Putting the device down, Brian took a deep breath before standing and moving to the door. He'd already been around to see his doctor since coming home, and they'd been working on going through a door and shutting it, without having to do it three times. He needed to keep doing it, the doctor said, not just in sessions but everyday.

It was the only way to get over the compulsion.

So he opened the door to his bedroom slowly, and pushed it open as he stepped across the threshold and looked over at Erica. Don't panic, don't panic, don't panic... kept running through his head as he took a step to the side and moved to close the door.

He could do this. He could close that door just one time and walk away. Hopefully.
hardluckwoman From: [info]hardluckwoman Date: December 18th, 2010 12:51 am (UTC) (Link)
When Brian emerged from his room, Erica immediately felt like that was step one down. Once he was out, she could surely convince him to lend her a hand, he was the easy one. From Ben's room however, there wasn't even the slightest stop in the sound of music. Somehow, she knew she should have expected this.

Moving nimbly past Brian, Erica headed for Ben's door, stopping in front of it. She lifted her hand, fist pounding on it twice in rapid succession. "I know you're not deaf!"
formaldehyde From: [info]formaldehyde Date: December 20th, 2010 11:17 pm (UTC) (Link)
Ben sighed, dropping his arms to the side and staring at his door. The last thing he really wanted to do was talk to Erica. Brian was... well, he was less of an irritation, but dealing with him meant constantly trying to placate his neuroses. Ben just didn't have the patience.

Was their mother that dumb or just cruel?

"I have better things to do with my time," He said blandly from behind his door. Still, he stood up-- just in case Erica tried to break in.
littleredd From: [info]littleredd Date: December 21st, 2010 03:07 am (UTC) (Link)
Brian watched them, frowning a bit. Knowing Ben this could take a while, and Brian couldn't help but fidget a little.

"He doesn't have to help," he offered quietly, unsure if it was because of him or Ben's usual surliness that kept him in his room. "I can do it."

Though, he thought as he turned, he didn't really know where the bulbs and lights were kept. At least there were gloves in the kitchen he could use to while cleaning everything, and they would need to be cleaned before going on the tree. No telling how much dust was caked on them, or spiders. Spiders could have taken up residents in them, and then roaches- oh Merlin, roaches had probably crawled all over them! They could be carrying untold germs and bacteria that was waiting to attack the first person to touch them.

"Just need some disinfectant..." He said, mostly to himself as he turned and started for the kitchen. He was certain he'd seen bleach in the cabinets under the sink.
hardluckwoman From: [info]hardluckwoman Date: December 26th, 2010 03:47 pm (UTC) (Link)
"He doesn't have to, but he should help, it's the principle!" Erica replied to Brian, before returning her attention to Ben's door. She glared at it fiercely, perhaps half measuring her chances of being able to get through it. If he would just stop being so stubborn, all of this would be loads easier already. Why make a bad situation worse by being an arsehole?

When Brian mentioned the disinfectant, his sister showed no signs of even hearing him as he headed off. Instead, she hit the door twice more. "Better things to do than make your mother smile on Christmas? That's awfully rude!"
formaldehyde From: [info]formaldehyde Date: December 26th, 2010 03:59 pm (UTC) (Link)
Ben huffed, cracking open the door and glaring at his sister. "She seems to be smiling just fine without me."

He watched Brian walk down the hall. "You might want to supervise him," He said condescendingly to Erica, more than Brian. "He'll probably try to bleach the entire tree."
littleredd From: [info]littleredd Date: December 29th, 2010 12:46 am (UTC) (Link)
Brian wasn't listening anymore as he found a pair of latex gloves that his mother left for him in the kitchen. Carefully he slipped them on before moving to the cabinets and opening them slowly.

"It is here...somewhere." He murmured to himself, lifting them up and peeking under the carefully sorted objects until he found the large bottle of bleach. Pulling it out he paused again, before frowning and looking about the tidy room. "I need a bucket."
hardluckwoman From: [info]hardluckwoman Date: December 29th, 2010 02:24 am (UTC) (Link)
Erica huffed and glared right back through her side of the crack in the door. "Why should I have to do it all myself? You have responsibility to this family just as much as I do!" she protested.

She could vaguely hear Brian in the kitchen, and she knew Ben was right. If she didn't get down there to see what he was doing soon, he'd end up dunking every single ornament into his bucket. Which included all of those damn KISS ornaments she had gone searching high and low for.

"Just come, okay? Why is everything a fight with you?"
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