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Crescent City Institute - Email to Sera, Rowan & Meka.
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Email to Sera, Rowan & Meka.
learntofly From: [info]learntofly Date: December 13th, 2010 03:06 am (UTC) (Link)
To: Jenny(
From: Meka (
Date: December 12, 2010, 10:45 PM
Subject: RE: SORRY.

Yeah, Brian isn't so bad but Grey... ugh. It was just so stupid. We were talking and he was making an ass of himself. And... and... well... ok. So. I should start at the beginning.

I've been super secretly in love with Ben Redd for like... ever. And I don't think he's even remotely interested, which is fine... except when he's dancing with that Amber girl! So I was kind of upset about that. And I asked Grey if he wanted to dance because he was talking to me anyways and it was a stupid idea because he had greasy mincemeat pie fingers and he's a stupid boy! Sorry, I'm rambling. Anyways... he thought I had a crush on him when really I have a crush on Ben! And so he goes and like... tells me I'm not his type, that does not hurt my feelings one bit because ew. And he tells me to dance to Brian and I kinda freaked out and punched him. Then he goes on to tell me that I'm not completely undesirable because I... get this... have a nice dress. I can't believe I had a full on mental break down in front of Gregoire Leclair.

I mean, my bad for having a bad reaction, it's not like he knew what he was saying would piss me off but he was treating me like crap because I'm nerdy! He's such an ass.

Anyways... that's a brilliant idea! I'll trick her into it somehow.

Love Meka
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: December 13th, 2010 01:28 pm (UTC) (Link)
To: Meka (
From: Jenny (
Date: December 13, 2010, 9:38 AM
Subject: RE: SORRY.

I don't know him that well, but from what I understand, when is he not making an ass of himself? I've been on the field, I've seen his victory dance, that boy just reeks of ass-of-himself.

... Ben Redd, really? He's pretty cute, but so quiet! Not really my type, but if you think he's worth it, I trust your judgment. But I think you might be right, I don't know if he's interested in anybody at all, and.. why would he dance with Amber, I have no idea. There must be crazy pills in that cider or something.

Seriously though, you weren't in the wrong. He was being an asshole. Boys can be inconsiderate like that, trust me, I was with Charlie was.. how long? I learned my lesson with expecting boys to understand lol.. when I was talking to him at the dance, I mentioned that I was worried about El, and he was like HURR DURR MAYBE SHE'S PREGNANT? Like, wtf. Why is that the first place he goes? Stupid boys, I swear.

PS: Forget the nerd haters, we know we're hot. :]

Love Jen
learntofly From: [info]learntofly Date: December 14th, 2010 02:07 am (UTC) (Link)
To: Jenny(
From: Meka (
Date: December 13, 2010, 9:47 AM
Subject: RE: SORRY.

Yeah, he's pretty much a huge asshole. And completely full of himself.

There was definitely crazy pills in the cider. I proclaimed my affections for Ben to Grey. Ugh. Hahahaha.

Ugh! What an idiot! I hope he didn't waste too much of your time! Why are we surrounded by dumb dumb boys.

They totally are jealy. xD

Love Meka
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: December 15th, 2010 02:26 am (UTC) (Link)
To: Meka (
From: Jenny (
Date: December 13, 2010, 9:52 AM
Subject: RE: SORRY.

Oh well, it's his loss if he wants to be an ass. I don't know how guys like that even get girlfriends. It blows my mind that there are women out there who enjoy being objectified and cheated on and.. ugh. Crazy pills indeed.

He wasn't as bad as I make him out to be, I know he was just trying to help, maybe he thought I'd laugh or something, but.. do not suggest pregnancy as your first guess when I'm already panicking! Jeez! That's my sister he's talking about, and the mental images were not appreciated. :\\

Guess boys will be boys.

Love Jen~~
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