Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
Crescent City Institute - Post a comment
To: Jenny (
From: Sera (
Date: December 12th, 2010, 10:38PM
Subject: No Subject

It's okay, I kinda had a feeling something was wrong, the way you grabbed my hand but by the time I though anything of it and turned you were already slipping to the ground. I'm sorry I couldn't have I don't know caught you better or something? You hit the ground pretty hard. It just all happened so suddenly.

It might not be all the bad having your mom home for a while, our mom we'll probably be working almost right up till Christmas, all the shopping, the tree everything will probably be rushed. You'll have time to get some shopping done and stuff, that's if she lets you out of bed that is. Seriously though just give her time, parents worry but they'll relax once they see that you're okay and everything.

Really, you didn't tell Ella? I thought you two told each other everything, knowing that, it means even more to me that you thought you could open up like that. I definitely want to talk more when we see each other, maybe we could hang out sometime over break just the two of us? I obviously still want to get together with Ro and Meka and them for a girls night but that probably wouldn't be the best time for us to actually talk. It is kind of hypocritical i guess but she has been acting strange lately, I don't know if that's related to what she's been keeping from you or not though. You're right to be concerned if its having an effect on her. Things were weird between us for awhile after the summer but they weren't necessarily bad, so i guess it depends on what she's keeping from you.

Don't worry about, mostly people were just concerned about how you were doing, and were saying like they really wished you couldn't been at the concert. Others were talking about what they heard from so and so what happened to you, people are always going to gossip (about everything and anything) You know what some of the morons we go to school with are like?

Love Sera


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