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Crescent City Institute - (Thread) Halloween Party (EVERYONE)
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(Thread) Halloween Party (EVERYONE)
From: [info]legaux Date: December 5th, 2010 05:17 am (UTC) (Link)


Adelaide choked a little, and backed off fast. "Oh my god," she whimpered, utterly mortified. It hadn't even registered that it was her archnemesis who had interrupted them, just the fact that they had been interrupted at all-- someone had seen something they most definitely shouldn't have.

Yep, she was going straight to hell.

And then Leon said her name, and Addy could have just died right then and there. Now Abernathy had the perfect ammunition to humiliate her in front of the whole school-- everyone would hear about this probably before the first class on Monday. "Oh... fuck!"
atotheb From: [info]atotheb Date: December 5th, 2010 02:29 pm (UTC) (Link)


Abby turned her head so the other two could gather up their wits. She was thankful Leon pulled his pants back up. "I'm sorry," she said again and stumbled a few feet away from them. She felt the sudden and distinct urge to vomit, though she wasn't sure if that was seeing her enemy and the school bigot en flagrante or just the sheer amount of liquor she'd consumed.

She bent over and held onto her stomach, one hand over her mouth. It took a lot of effort to steady herself without a tree to lean on. There was next to nothing she could say to erase that picture from her mind or ensure either of them that she wouldn't be blabbing it to the whole school.

She was too horrified to come up with a reasonable response other than to run back through the woods and find some more booze.
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