"No. I just like shoving people," Quinn answered with an evil grin to match the evil statement. It wasn't a lie. She loved tormenting people, although it was hardly any fun when they just laughed it off.
She had no idea who the kid was getting up in front of her, and glanced at the girl with the orange back. That image was only met with a smirk. "So who the hell are you supposed to be?" Quinn didn't know the first thing about baseball, and she'd admit it.
"Fair enough," he returned her grin but with a sweeter quality.
"Derek Jeter!" he responded. "Don't you know the Yankees?" he asked almost astonished that she hadn't recognized his costume. "You know! The greatest American baseball to ever grace the field!"
She simply shrugged. "I don't follow sports, boyo. I have better things to do with my time than worry about a bunch of people tossing a ball around." At least she knew about the Yankees, being from New York originally. Quinn just didn't give a damn about what they did, who was on the team, and who graced what field.
"There are plenty of things better than watching boys toss around a few balls," Quinn replied with a smirk. She crossed her arms over her chest and let her weight rest on one foot, while the other simply moved back and forth with the aid of the wheels. "Being social, photography, drinking, to name a few. Productive things."
Yes, Quinn certainly did think drinking was productive.
Quinn only gave a shrug of her shoulders at the statement about baseball and social. The only sort of social she could see would be cheering on one's team and dissing the other. That seemed to be all sports fans did other than talk about which players were good and which one sucked, and what plays were of note.
She looked down at the offered hand, though she didn't remove hers from her hips to take it. Still, she offered her name. That was about as good of a greeting as Jeter was going to get. Didn't matter that his name was Sam; she would forget that in about five minutes and so Jeter it was. "I'm Quinn."
He pulled his hand back, letting it drop casually by his side. "Nice to meet you Quinn," he smiled. "Are you enjoying your night so far? Aside from mauling innocent bystanders?" he grinned.
The brunette only gave a small nod to the first question. At the second, however, she let a wicked sort of grin spread across her face. "It's Halloween, of course I'm enjoying my night. Mauling innocent by-standers is just a good portion of it."
Speaking of which, there were still plenty of people left to be mauled, and her eyes darted around them to see who was nearby. Maybe she'd have more good luck with it; she'd gotten two with one stone in Jeter's case.