Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
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Crescent City Institute -
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Characters: Sim and Gray
Setting: LaLaurie, the boy's sty bedroom
Content: Swearing, lewdness, maybe violence...
Summary: The morning after the night before and the boys try and piece everything together.

Sim woke up with a jump, the kind of jump telling you you're about to empty the contents of your stomach RIGHT NOW and you best high-tail it to the toilet. When he was finished, Sim stumbled back into the bedroom he shared with Gray, kicking a pillow across the floor and throwing himself face down back onto his bed.

"Gregorie" he said, muffled by his pillow. Gray had returned to the dorm after Sim, he remembered because Gray was stomping around like a fucking elephant for ages before he went to bed. "Oi, gay boy! What happened to you last night?"

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gregoire From: [info]gregoire Date: October 4th, 2010 11:01 am (UTC) (Link)
"Caliss," Gray grumbled from underneath his covers, peaking out briefly out from under the blanket--blinking blearily over at Sim's side of the room. Eventually his eyes would focus--just not right now. This probably meant he needed glasses, but he would never admit to that in a million years.

"I don't remember," he lied, pulling the blanket back over his head, hoping it would disguise it well enough.
sim From: [info]sim Date: October 4th, 2010 11:08 am (UTC) (Link)
"Like shit you don't" Sim accused, throwing his pillow at Gray's head and fishing under his bed for a pack of cigarettes. Walking over to the window he coughed once, opening it and looking around for a lighter.

"That just means you did something bad, which in turn, will make me feel fucking better." He knocked a few things off his desk, trying to find the ellusive lighter. "Why can't we keep them all in one fucking place? New dorm rule: don't fuck around with my lighters!"

It was probably safe to say Sim wasn't in a great mood.
gregoire From: [info]gregoire Date: October 4th, 2010 11:38 am (UTC) (Link)
Gray grumbled somewhat wordlessly to himself, rolling into the wall when Sim's pillow hit him.

"Yeah? What are you so upset about?" He tried his best at changing the subject, knowing full well that Sim probably wouldn't let him. He dug through the pockets of the clothes he hadn't bothered changing out of and tossed a lighter (Sim's), without looking, in the direction of Sim's voice.
sim From: [info]sim Date: October 4th, 2010 11:46 am (UTC) (Link)
Sim wasn't really sure why he was feeling so grouchy. Perhaps that fact that all his attempts at taking a girl back to his car had failed? Probably. Since Gray was out later than him that meant he probably got some action and that was always annoying.

He caught the lighter and lit the end of his cig, blowing smoke out of the window, and hocking up whatever was in his throat to spit out there for good measure.

"Who was the lucky lady then?"
gregoire From: [info]gregoire Date: October 4th, 2010 12:22 pm (UTC) (Link)
Gray laid in his bed in silence, not responding. Normally he was all about bragging to his friend-- he even shared the story of time he woke up in some fat muggle's bed with no memory of how he'd gotten there. Horrifying.

Somehow this was worse.

He sighed loudly. Sim was probably going to figure it out eventually.
sim From: [info]sim Date: October 4th, 2010 12:30 pm (UTC) (Link)
Sim fixed Gray with a skeptical look, frowning slightly. This seemed pretty serious, he sat on the window sill and waited for Gray to finally spit it out.

"You didn't fuck a freshman, did you? Because that is disgusting."
gregoire From: [info]gregoire Date: October 4th, 2010 12:38 pm (UTC) (Link)
"What? No! Not this time." Gray threw the covers off his head. "It was Michiko."
sim From: [info]sim Date: October 4th, 2010 12:40 pm (UTC) (Link)
Sim had been taking a drag of his cigarette when Gray said that, and almost inhaled the whole thing. Coughing, he started laughing.

"Bro, I totally thought just you said Michiko, fuck, I think my heart just stopped."
gregoire From: [info]gregoire Date: October 4th, 2010 12:49 pm (UTC) (Link)
Gray didn't respond to this either, just looked at Sim, silently affirming what he had just said. He pressed his lips together in a thin line, brows furrowing high on his face.
sim From: [info]sim Date: October 4th, 2010 12:54 pm (UTC) (Link)
Sim's face dropped so fast it could have been funny in any other situation. "What? What have you done!" He sputtered, suddenly on his feet and pointing an accusing finger at Gray.

"You fucked Michiko?! YOU FUCKED MOM?!" His voice was getting strangely higher everytime he said it.
gregoire From: [info]gregoire Date: October 4th, 2010 01:04 pm (UTC) (Link)
"NO! FUCK! I KISSED HER. WE KISSED. THAT'S IT." Gray sat up, suddenly yelling back at Sim.
sim From: [info]sim Date: October 4th, 2010 01:09 pm (UTC) (Link)
"THAT'S IT?!" Sim's eyes were almost bulging out of his head. "Why? Where? HOW?"
gregoire From: [info]gregoire Date: October 4th, 2010 01:19 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Fuck if I know," Gray shrugged, scowling. "I was drunk. She was drunk. It happens. She's hot, dude. What am I supposed to do?"

He ran his hand through his hair and shrugged again, like the sort-of-giant-mistake was no big deal. He could be casual about it. It was cool. He was cool. King of cool. Yup.
sim From: [info]sim Date: October 4th, 2010 01:23 pm (UTC) (Link)
Yes, of course Michi was hot, she was one of the hottest, but that didn't mean Gray could kiss her! She was mom. The way he shrugged it off was infuritating, and Sim gave a roar before diving onto Gray's bed, fists swinging.

"You're such a stupid shit!" He yelled while pummeling his best bro.
gregoire From: [info]gregoire Date: October 4th, 2010 01:40 pm (UTC) (Link)
FUCK. Caught off guard, Gray ate a couple of punches before he could even react. Not many people punched harder than Sim did. Fuck. Ow.

"Why, did you want to fuck her?!" He growled, clumsily ducking and throwing his arms around Sim's mid-section, attempting to unbalance him. The plan was to throw his best friend to the floor, and not to eject himself from the bed. Probably wasn't going to happen.
sim From: [info]sim Date: October 4th, 2010 01:49 pm (UTC) (Link)
Gray's plan almost worked, Sim was now dangling upsidedown off the bed, the blood rusting to his already very red face.

"Of course I do, but I'm not gonna because she's Michiko" Sim shouted, flailing wildly and trying to knee Gray in the jaw. "I think I'm gonna puke" he admitted.
gregoire From: [info]gregoire Date: October 4th, 2010 01:59 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Yeah, well--FUCK. OW." Gray clutched his jaw after Sim's knee did indeed make contact. The Canadian shoved his friend as far from him as he could.

"Dude, not cool!"
sim From: [info]sim Date: October 4th, 2010 02:11 pm (UTC) (Link)
"It's what you deserve" Sim yelled before he tumbled off the bed, thumping his head painfully and looking at his battered cigarette folornly.

"Look what you made me do" he whined, chucking it at Gray and retreating to his own bed. "You have to say sorry. You have to make it right!"
gregoire From: [info]gregoire Date: October 4th, 2010 02:15 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Dude, what? I'm sorry I crushed your cigarette. Jesus." Gray rolled his eyes.
sim From: [info]sim Date: October 4th, 2010 02:21 pm (UTC) (Link)
"You know what I mean!" Sim rubbed his head and scowled. "She's just had a kid, she doesn't need you trying it on" Sim pointed out, strangely speaking actual sense.
gregoire From: [info]gregoire Date: October 4th, 2010 04:10 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Yeah," he gingerly shifted his jaw around, grimacing with a hiss as he checked to see if anything was broken.

"If she's still speaking to me," he admitted. "I think I made her cry..."
sim From: [info]sim Date: October 5th, 2010 02:47 pm (UTC) (Link)
"You fucking...shit" Sim said, shaking his head. Mom should never be crying,she was mom.

"I hope you know I hate you right now. You're on my fucking shit list" Sim growled, pulling on a tshirt and opening the dorm door.

"Should I go see her? Should I talk to her?" Sim didn't know what to do in this situation.
gregoire From: [info]gregoire Date: October 5th, 2010 03:26 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Great plan, dude. What the fuck are you going to say to her?" Gray sighed, flopping back into bed and running his hands down his face from frustration.

"Sorry Gregoire made out with you. Have this complimentary fruit basket!"
sim From: [info]sim Date: October 5th, 2010 03:30 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Well I wouldn't even have to be thinking about this if you didnt insist on making out with every fucking girl in this school!"

It was pretty easy to be high and mighty when your best friend was the one who had done something stupid. This time. He hovered in the doorway before slamming the door, back in the bedroom, which earnt a bang on the wall from the room next door.
gregoire From: [info]gregoire Date: October 5th, 2010 05:29 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Are you fucking serious? Dude, you fuck around with more girls than I do!" Gray scowled, admitting to something he normally wouldn't have in any other situation.

Then again, the problem was the specific girl, wasn't it?

"I'll talk to her." He wouldn't.
sim From: [info]sim Date: October 5th, 2010 06:39 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Yeah, but they're just girls! Not her" Sim stressed, basically saying what Gray was thinking. He stared at Gray intently, trying to suss if he would actually talk to Michi or not.

"You better" Sim warned, feeling a little calmer, and wandering off towards the bathroom for a much needed shower.
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