Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
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Crescent City Institute -
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Characters: Rowan and Adriana
Setting: Library, after classes on Wednesday
Rating: I'm going to start this at SFW but who knows <.<
Content: Rowan goes to the library often. This is not new. However, she doesn't always see Adriana there...

There was a lot of research of her own to do still, but Rowan was putting that aside in favor of getting her actual school work finished. She liked to stay ahead of the game, so to speak, when it came to her academics, so the project that she was working on was one that wasn't due for a few weeks. The way Rowan saw it, if she did all of the work that she knew about when she could, she was both more free to do other things, and anything else that came up wouldn't be in addition to regular classwork. The beginning of each semester was often a flurry of work for her, just trying to get a little ahead to get that breathing room. It felt like she might need it.

Heading into the stacks in the library, after walking past the librarian who knew her well at this point, Rowan went over to the section that held the books that she needed. Just because she wasn't good at the practical aspects of Defense Against the Dark Arts, didn't mean that she couldn't at least know the theories well. Her project was for that class, and she decided to study up on the background. With a solid background, she felt she could perhaps get a better handle on the spellwork that would be involved with it. Her attention diverted by looking at the books in front of her, anything could happen around her without her knowledge.
ofthechase From: [info]ofthechase Date: October 18th, 2011 10:51 pm (UTC) (Link)
It wasn't too often that Adriana wandered in the library. Usually, she went in there for a purpose, finished her business (be it get the books she needed, meet up with a partner for some project, or whatever other reason), and left. She rarely found herself wandering the aisles of books, for no other reason than that she would prefer to be outdoors.

However, Fortis had said something particularly interesting today that had reminded her of something she'd read in a book at Beauxbatons. Unfortunately, she'd left those books at home, which lead her to scanning the shelves and books of the CCI library. Finding one book that sounded promising, she pulled it out and leaned against the bookshelf, completely absorbed in searching through the book, she didn't notice the other student walking towards her until she ran into her.

"Sorry," she said, catching the book from falling before turning to see who it was. "I-- Oh," she paused, then smiled a little, amused. "Rowan..."
cabotine From: [info]cabotine Date: October 18th, 2011 11:00 pm (UTC) (Link)
Rowan walking into things - and other people - was not a new thing by any stretch of the imagination. She was often preoccupied by her thoughts or the book she was reading, and didn't always pay careful attention to her surroundings. So feeling herself walk into another body, she automatically opened her mouth for the inevitable apology.

"Oh jeez, I'm really sorry. That was totally my--" Seeing who it was that she had just walked into, Rowan couldn't hide the look of loathing that crossed her face for the briefest of moments before she got control of herself.

"Oh. It's you." Not the most gracious tone of voice, but Rowan had her reasons, certainly. "Sorry." Expression carefully blank, Rowan looked at the other girl.
ofthechase From: [info]ofthechase Date: October 18th, 2011 11:33 pm (UTC) (Link)
The complete one-eighty of Rowan's reaction only made Adriana's little smile grow. It was just too funny. She waved a hand dismissively, shrugging a shoulder.

"It's no biggie," she assured, ignoring the curtness of her second apology. She peered at Rowan's collection of books. "Working on the project? What were you thinking of doing it on?"
cabotine From: [info]cabotine Date: October 25th, 2011 12:28 pm (UTC) (Link)
Not exactly in the mood to exchange polite chit-chat with Adriana, Rowan was also not usually a rude person. She dredged up all the courtesy that she was able to muster, and forced herself to sound simply bored. It was really the best that she could manage for the time being.

"Yeah, getting a head start on it. I was thinking of doing a report on the changes in standard, school taught defensive spells over time, to see if there were differences for social and cultural reasons or if the changes of the spells were because of advances in spell theory and foundation." The words came out as a string of facts, almost clinical in their delivery.
From: (Anonymous) Date: December 30th, 2013 11:34 pm (UTC) (Link)

Everybody wants more resources, it’s somewhat humid, but without the sun beating down on you it feels just fine. Lows range from the mid-to-upper 60s in the suburbs to 70-72 downtown? the bill got just 43 votesMr Cuccinelli now the attorney general is understandably interested in casting himself as a moderate in the gubernatorial election He has bristled lately at questions about his past positions on abortion and birth control He prefers to stress economic and job-creation issues even though his legislative record suggests that he was often more concerned with and passionate about social questions at a last week Mr Cuccinelli insisted that government should not interfere with contraception and denied that he ever backed legislation that could do soThe The practical effects of "personhood" measures including the one in Virginia to which Mr Cuccinelli affixed his name would easily include banning the most popular forms of contraception This is because the pill as well as other forms of birth control work partly by preventing the implantation of eggs in the uterus wall after they have been fertilized If the "preborn" are protected "from the moment of fertilization" as the 2007 bill demanded then contraception which defeats a fertilized eggs chances of becoming a living being could be prohibited In fact the legislation seems to demand itAs the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists "Some of the most effective and reliable forms of contraception oral contraceptives intrauterine devices and other forms of FDA-approved contraceptives would be banned" by "personhood" measures The New Jersey native also played hero the last time he suited up for the United States. "Hes won a [Stanley] Cup and is a force,9:00 AM PT10:00 AM MT11:00 AM CT12:00 PM ET4:00 PM GMT12:00 AM 北京时间9:00 AM MST11:00 AM ESTESPN3 (1-0) (1-0) 9:00 AM PT10:00 AM MT11:00 AM CT12:00 PM ET4:00 PM GMT12:00 AM 北京时间9:00 AM MST11:00 AM ESTFSN (1-0) (0-1) 9:00 AM PT10:00 AM MT11:00 AM CT12:00 PM ET4:00 PM GMT12:00 AM 北京时间9:00 AM MST11:00 AM ESTBTN/BTN2Go (1-0) (1-0) 9:00 AM PT10:00 AM MT11:00 AM CT12:00 PM ET4:00 PM GMT12:00 AM 北京时间9:00 AM MST11:00 AM ESTESPN (1-0) (1-0) 9:00 AM PT10:00 AM MT11:00 AM CT12:00 PM ET4:00 PM GMT12:00 AM 北京时间9:00 AM MST11:00 AM ESTFS1 (1-0) (1-0) 9:30 AM PT10:30 AM MT11:30 AM CT12:30 PM ET4:30 PM GMT12:30 AM 北京时间9:30 AM MST11:30 AM ESTESPN3/ESGP (0-1) (1-0) 12:30 PM PT1:30 PM MT2:30 PM CT3:30 PM ET7:30 PM GMT3:30 AM 北京时间12:30 PM MST2:30 PM ESTFSN (0-1) (1-0) 12:30 PM PT1:30 PM MT2:30 PM CT3:30 PM ET7:30 PM GMT3:30 AM 北京时间12:30 PM MST2:30 PM ESTABC/ESPN2 (0-1) (1-0) 12:30 PM PT1:30 PM MT2:30 PM CT3:30 PM ET7:30 PM GMT3:30 AM 北京时间12:30 PM MST2:30 PM ESTABC/ESPN2 (1-0) (1-0) 1:30 PM PT2:30 PM MT3:30 PM CT4:30 PM ET8:30 PM GMT4:30 AM 北京时间1:30 PM MST3:30 PM ESTESPN (1-0) (0-1) 3:00 PM PT4:00 PM MT5:00 PM CT6:00 PM ET10:00 PM GMT6:00 AM 北京时间3:00 PM MST5:00 PM ESTBTN (0-1) (1-0) 3:00 PM PT4:00 PM MT5:00 PM CT6:00 PM ET10:00 PM GMT6:00 AM 北京时间3:00 PM MST5:00 PM ESTBTN (0-1) (1-0) 4:00 PM PT5:00 PM MT6:00 PM CT7:00 PM ET11:00 PM GMT7:00 AM 北京时间4:00 PM MST6:00 PM ESTESPNU (0-1) (1-0) 4:00 PM PT5:00 PM MT6:00 PM CT7:00 PM ET11:00 PM GMT7:00 AM 北京时间4:00 PM MST6:00 PM ESTFOX (1-0) (1-0) 4:00 PM PT5:00 PM MT6:00 PM CT7:00 PM ET11:00 PM GMT7:00 AM 北京时间4:00 PM MST6:00 PM ESTESPN3/ESGP (1-0) (1-0) 4:00 PM PT5:00 PM MT6:00 PM CT7:00 PM ET11:00 PM GMT7:00 AM 北京时间4:00 PM MST6:00 PM ESTESPN2 (1-0) (0-1) 5:00 PM PT6:00 PM MT7:00 PM CT8:00 PM ET12:00 AM GMT8:00 AM 北京时间5:00 PM MST7:00 PM ESTESPN (1-0) (1-0) 7:30 PM PT8:30 PM MT9:30 PM CT10:30 PM ET2:30 AM GMT10:30 AM 北京时间7:30 PM MST9:30 PM ESTFS1 (0-1) (1-0) 8:00 PM PT9:00 PM MT10:00 PM CT11:00 PM ET3:00 AM GMT11:00 AM 北京时间8:00 PM MST10:00 PM ESTPACN (1-0) (0-0) older Americans might see a premium decrease but younger Americans would see a premium spike. the law implements an age band so that the amount an older individual pays will be no more than three times what a younger individual pays.The FactsThe White House says the figure comes from a .
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