Characters: Rowan and Leon Setting: Sonnier dorm, Sunday around lunch time. Content: NSFW for language most likely. Summary: Rowan talks to Leon about some things. Rowan had been out in the woods for most of the morning, trying to combine wizard and Muggle magic to make a tracking spell. It was hard work, and took a lot of research, and it had failed spectacularly. She was missing too many things, it was the wrong time of day, and she was starting to get too tired to think. Once she hit that point, Rowan decided that it was best for her to bring her things back to her room and maybe try to get some food and read something that didn't have to do with spells for the time being. Glancing around before she opened the door to the Sonnier dorm, Rowan breathed a sigh of relief that no one had seen her coming from the woods. Re-adjusting her bag on her shoulder, she turned the knob to the dorm that she lived in and closed it behind her, lost in thought. Or un-thought. There wasn't really any one particular things that was on her mind, but more a jumble of things that she couldn't focus on. Everything felt like it was whirling out of control, and she felt like she needed time to sort it all out. Head looking at the ground, she started into the common room, thinking that she would make her way back up the stairs to her room.