When Bekka closed the door, Tatum was right back into her self-absorbed actions, puffing smoke rings idly with her head tipped back against the headrest of her chair. Maybe the other girl wouldn't stick around long. She really wanted to put some music or something, but she really hadn't really gauged what kind of mood Bekka was in. She almost seemed too calm, it was wigging her out.
She almost spoke up and told her to stop looking at her like that, but what came out of Bekka's mouth next completely shut the redhead up.
What tiny bit of color she had immediately drained from her face, and sputtered a little on her current smoke ring, destroying it mid-exhale. "What?" she asked weakly. Her hands had tensed around the bong, and she quickly leaned forward to put it onto the desk instead before she broke it or something. Her hands were sweating like mad now.
"I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about," she insisted quickly, perhaps too defensively.