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Lily Madeleine Evans ([info]wildflower) wrote in [info]cortinula,
@ 2008-06-04 12:42:00

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Who: Lily Evans and Emmeline Vance
Where: King's Cross Station
Date: September 1, 1977
When: Just before 11 a.m.
Status: Incomplete

After hugging both her parents goodbye and promising her mother several times to write, Lily carefully checked her bagage one more time to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything. Casting a light hoovering charm on her trunk, she made her way through the crowd, looking out for anyone she recognised. Several first years were being fussed over by their parents, some of them clearly unwilling to leave the relative safety of home to go to a castle where they didn't know anyone. Lily smiled. To think that a few years ago, she had been standing on the platform, anxiously waiting for the Hogwarts Express to arrive. So much had happened since then.

Looking down at her robes where her Head Girl badge proudly shimmered in the morning light, Lily found herself wondering yet again who had been named Head Boy this year. She hoped it would be Remus. They worked well together and he always had been a responsible prefect, even if he couldn't manage to get his own friends to behave. Lily rolled her eyes, thinking of all the pranks Potter and Black had pulled over the years. Obviously thinking the two boys had suddenly grown up over the summer hols was too much to wish for. She could only hope James had finally given up his attempts to get her to date him.

Wrinkling her nose at the thought, Lily carefully put down her trunk and checked her watch. She should get on the Express soon. It was almost time for the train to leave. Swinging her bag more firmly over her shoulder, she cursed under her breath as one of the straps got caught, causing her bag to open up and several of her books to fall out.

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2008-06-08 08:50 pm UTC (link)
"Of course," Emmeline brushed aside Lily's thanks as unnecessary. Anyone would do it. But she looked up with curiosity as the sharp tone in Lily's voice.

At the other girl's question, Emmeline nodded and reached into the handbag atop the trolley behind her. "You wouldn't think you'd need so soon, I'd imagine." She removed the wand, pushed her sleeves up to her elbows only to watch them fall down again, and cleared her thoughts. "Reparo," she commanded clearly, and the loose stitches joined themselves together quickly and tighter than ever. "There we are, good as new."

A glint in the sun caught her eye, and she noticed the pin on Lily's lapel. "Oh, you made Head Girl? Congratulations then." She thought for a moment she might be jealous, but the feeling passed without sticking. It was good news. There wasn't really another candidate when Emmeline considered it.

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2008-06-15 06:57 pm UTC (link)
Lily hurriedly moved a lock of hair out of the way, feeling a bit foolish and frustrated with herself for not being more careful. She probably looked a right idiot, kneeling like that in the middle of the crowd, having made such a mess of herself. She smiled again at Emmeline, silently apologising for being so curt with her. She didn't know her very well, but she generally seemed pretty nice, and Lily didn't want to give her the impression she was prejudiced against Slytherins.

"Exactly," Lily said with a laugh, relieved to find her bag pristine as ever. "Thank you so much," she said. "I always feel like such a dolt when something like this happens in a crowded place." She carefully put her books back into her bag, making doubly sure she closed it properly.

For a moment Lily looked at Emmeline, surprised by her comment, but then she remembered she had her badge pinned to her robes. "Thank you!" she said, beaming with pride. "I hope I'll be able to create some semblance of order at Hogwarts this year." She quirked a smile, realising how unlikely it was she'd succeed.

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2008-06-23 04:27 am UTC (link)
Nodding in response to Lily's friendly answer, Emmeline dropped her gaze to her shoes with the slightest bit of sheepishness. She rocked up on her tiptoes to ensure the stitches held, then shifted back on her heels when she was satisfied. "Of course, you're welcome," a shade of smile wisped over her lips.

"I'm glad to hear you got Head Girl. We may still have to cooperate, though, if things between our houses stay the way they have." She gave Lily a steady, meaningful look. Every year she hoped and wished and prayed things would be different, and every year she was sorely disappointed. Perhaps with the help of a Gryffindor Head Student, they might be able to get some of that semblance of order Lily had mentioned. It seemed they were of the same mind.

"D'you know who got Head Boy, by any chance?" Emmeline was nearly afraid to ask.

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