Intercepted Radio Message - 1544h. 7th JUN. 1944 - London
MEMORANDUM FOR LT. ████████ CC: SGT. █████
>This was intercepted on frequency █████████ using recorded cypher ████████ █████ (Broken on ███. ███, ████) at 0922. The broadcast tried to hide under our morning broadcasts and managed to do so very well, hence the time it took us to bring this to your attention. This is the original letter in it's untranslated form.
>Vermeiden Sie weitere Verluste. Mehr Blut setzt zu mehr Verdacht. Kontrollieren Sie die Körper als zuerst Priorität.
>Wir haben Koordinate für das nächste Ziel empfangen. Wir werden unseren Angriff innerhalb 24 Stunden beginnen.
>Wir werden einen Tropfenpunkt für Stärkung während des Angriffs arrangieren. Versagen Sie nicht. (End Transmission)
>Added in pen: >We need you on top of this, █████. Don't drag your ass.
>Added in pen (Translation): >Avoid further losses. More blood sets to more suspicion. Control the bodies as first priority.
>We received coordinate for the next goal. We will begin our attack within 24 hours.
>We will arrange a drop point for strengthenings during the attack. Do not fail. (End Transmission)
MEMORANDUM FOR LT. ████████ >Many reports are filing in from soldiers that they have seen some sort of 'creature' in specific areas of the city, most notably the Coventry at the center of the city. Most of the sightings are reported by drunk personnel who have wandered into the still ruined parts of the city to escape public eye, a practice that has been taught to them by a CPL. ███████████. They all refer to a lone assailant who moves very quickly and has thus far managed to evade both capture and leaving any sort of damnable evidence. The formal word is to deny such things as malarkey and move on.
>As you no doubt are aware, we have been unable to locate several of our men from ███████████ company. Seven, total. A single man, PFC. █████████ survived the attack with superficial injuries and is telling some kind of story about a giant furry wolf man. I'd have checked the beer these fellas were drinking if the kid didn't look like he'd been mauled by a damn bear. We checked out the spot and we can't find anything save for a lot of blood. No bodies. This has been kept under wraps and the Private has been given a ticket home provided he forgets all about what he saw. We put him on a supply boat this morning, drunk as a skunk citing some bullshit psychological issues on his discharge papers.
>I'm putting this one on your boys, Lieutenant. Give them something to chew on before we ship them over to the front. Utilize the blackout and the curfew to your advantage. I want this thing found and brought in, dead or alive, and a full report. No names. You know the drill. You can trust my runner not to read it. I've already told him where noncompliance will get him.
>You have 72 hours, Lieutenant. Good hunting.
(SIGNED) MAJ. T. Lombardi
( 6th JUN. 1944 ) RE: Operation FORTITUDE candidates
Operation Overlord is active. The beaches are being stormed as this report is written.
We managed to obtain custody of one very injured Sgt. Foley who was less than happy to sign the papers given to him, or accept his new position as sergeant. He did so, however, and is currently en route to CCHQ in London. Other key civilian elements of Project Fortitude are being flown in as well. ETA is 7th JUN. 0200h.
We are working furiously to fill the necessary slots to continue over-seas operations and will update as soon as more information is provided.