COMPOSED → composer's writings

July 1st, 2008

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something beautiful → Joshua
COMPOSED → composer's writings


July 1st, 2008

[01] blue dolphin (yugioh gx)

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oh? → Naoto
Title: Blue Dolphin
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh GX
Rating: G
Genre(s): General
Summary: Sometimes she simply wanted to be a dolphin… (light ManjoumexAsuka kindasortamaybe)
Word Count: 408

a soft salt breeze... )

[02] shining star (rockman.exe)

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oh? → Naoto
Title: Shining Star
Fandom: Rockman.exe
Rating: G
Genre(s): General/Romance
Summary: Two stars, side by side… What could be more romantic? (Meiru-centric, one-sided NettoxMeiru)
Word Count: 298

always and forever (you're my shining star) )

Ficlet title and cut text come from "Shining Star" by Nami Tamaki.

[03] untitled (pokemon, originshippy)

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oh? → Naoto
Okay, so. This is a prime example of why I should not write in the wee hours of the morning. XD

Pokémon, Originshipping (Wallace x Steven) retardation at its finest (ha).

I honestly have no idea what this is. ;_; )

[04] clover (ryuusei; one-sided: tsukasa for hikaru)

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oh? → Naoto
... what the hell was I thinking.

clever cut text goes here. )

[05] weakness (persona 3; spoilers for november)

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oh? → Naoto
insert bittersweet lyrics here. )

[06] untitled (pokemon; g; originshippy if you squint real hard? okay, not really)

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oh? → Naoto
Based on something that happened in Jesus Island, a Pokemon RP I used to be in on LJ.

... yeah. Sometimes there are just no words. )

[07] nothing. (Earthbound; PG, I guess; Giygas-centric)

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oh? → Naoto
take a melody, simple as can be... )

[08] pact (Earthbound; PG for some blood; Giygas and Porky- world domination buddies!)

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oh? → Naoto
oh I just can't wait to be king~ )

This is basically a what-if, what could have happened in between MOTHER and Earthbound. I am quite possibly warping time and space to make this work. Keep in mind that I'm not done with the game yet, though I've spoiled myself like crazy.

I might continue it at a later date. I don't know.

Also, the lyrics are, of course, from the vocal version of the Eight Melodies by the St. Paul Cathedinal Choir.

[09] listen. (The World Ends With You; G; implied one-sided Composer/Neku)

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oh? → Naoto
Title: listen.
Fandom: The World Ends With You.
Genre: General.
Rating: G.
Summary: He loved to play the violin. (Implied one-sided Composer/Neku.)

Despite this involving the Composer, it doesn't really have any major spoilers.

Also, this is pathetically short. 147 words? Way to go, self.

I'm wishing you were by my side tonight... )

[10] moment (The World Ends With You; G; one-sided Producer/Composer)

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oh? → Naoto
Title: moment
Fandom: The World Ends With You.
Genre: Romance.
Rating: G.
Summary: All he could do was watch. (One-sided Producer/Composer; two stolen kisses.)

Spoilers for the identity of the Producer.

insert bittersweet line here. )

[11] Little Games (The World Ends With You; PG; Uzuki/Kariya)

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oh? → Naoto
Title: Little Games
Fandom: The World Ends With You.
Genre: Humor.
Rating: PG.
Summary: Kariya and Uzuki decide to play a game, but the terms are a bit different this time around...

I guess this is set before Neku's first Game or something. I dunno.

won't you play with me? )
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