Chizuru ♪ graphics by shattering

Recent Entries

12/11/09 02:54 pm - [info]shattering - ♪Field of Innocence

From 10_lyricons )

12/2/09 08:40 pm - [info]shattering - ♪Beautiful And Evil

24 icons
-Ciel from Kuroshitsuji

♪credit is appreciated ([info]chizuru or [info]shattering)
♪editing is not appreciated
♪hotlinking is not appreciated
♪claiming as your own will get you killed
♪comments and feedback are love

I'm a ghost, you're an angel )

11/20/09 04:18 pm - [info]shattering - ♪ Pic Spam

Would you like to see me icon something? Pic spam me! High quality images though please :] I'm doing this mostly out of boredom rofl.

11/20/09 03:37 pm - [info]shattering - ♪ I Must Confess

Holy icons, Batman!
There are 100 icons here. Some old, some new. Too lazy to count but the post includes:
07-Ghost, Devil May Cry 4, Code Geass, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Vocaloid, alice nine., the GazettE, and Fullmetal Alchemist.

♪credit is appreciated ([info]chizuru or [info]shattering)
♪editing is not appreciated
♪hotlinking is not appreciated
♪claiming as your own will get you killed
♪comments and feedback are love

I'm in love with my own sins )

11/20/09 03:01 pm - [info]shattering - ♪ I Will Not Bow

From 10_lyricons )

11/20/09 02:08 pm - [info]shattering - ♪ Affiliation

This community is under a revamp. I kept the affiliates that already had me linked. If you wish to become affiliates, just comment here so we can add each other :]

Current affiliates )
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