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вαтмαиdα ([info]batmanda) wrote in [info]breaksomehearts,
@ 2008-01-14 15:07:00

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Current mood: full

Friends Only

→ Please read the rules in the info.
→ I may take a bit to accept you; I'm sorry if that happens.

To be added:

Switched username:

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2008-01-15 12:12 am UTC (link)
Name: Manda
Did you read the rules?: The Labyrinth
Just for fun; how'd you find me?: Made it. ;]
Show me your icons: Yo!

(Reply to this)

2008-01-15 12:13 am UTC (link)
Name: Manda
Old username: [info]batmanda
Did you remove me?: Yes.
Still know the rules?: The Nightmare Before Christmas
Show me your new icons: Yo!

(Reply to this)

2008-01-23 03:14 am UTC (link)
Name: Sabrina
Did you read the rules?: Now & Then
Just for fun; how'd you find me?: from Greatestjournal.com
Show me your icons: Yo!

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2008-03-05 05:56 am UTC (link)
Did you read the rules?: the notebook
Just for fun; how'd you find me?: random person's icon credit
Show me your icons: Yo!
i don't have any yet, i just opened this today, but i do credit [i used to have a GJ, if you would like you can check on there]

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2008-04-16 12:01 pm UTC (link)
Name: Dawn-Marie
Did you read the rules?: Pulp Fiction
Just for fun; how'd you find me?: browsing
Show me your icons: Yo!

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2008-04-17 11:21 am UTC (link)
Name: marcie
Did you read the rules?: titanic
Just for fun; how'd you find me?:just checking out after creating my journal
Show me your icons: Yo!

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2008-05-04 07:39 am UTC (link)
Name: Nicole
Did you read the rules?: Knocked Up
Just for fun; how'd you find me?: Randomly
Show me your icons: Yo!

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2009-01-30 09:57 pm UTC (link)
Name: Brianna.
Did you read the rules?: The Dark Knight.
Just for fun; how'd you find me?: Just browsing around.
Show me your icons: Yo!

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