15 April 2010 @ 12:57 pm
So guess what's going on the Library of Congress now? )
Current Mood: hopeful
Current Music: none
15 April 2010 @ 06:35 pm

This website pits two random things against each other and leaves YOU to decide which one is more awesome. And when I say "random" I mean "anything and everything fighting against anything and everything". Here's some examples:

Rihanna VS. Waluigi
Interrobang VS. cotton picker machine
Naploean, Ohio VS. fountain pens
War of 1812 VS. coaster
Canada VS. Detroit North America Auto Show
Spider-Ham VS. Bruce Lee
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie VS. Kirk Cameron
Minneapolis VS. SONY
Sham Wow! guy VS. Krang
Tiger uppercut (Sagat's move from Street Fighter) VS. Big Trouble In Little China
Current Mood: amused
Current Music: none