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won't you fly high, ([info]freebird) wrote in [info]bluesky,
@ 2008-12-12 11:42:00

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We have 71 members & I'm barely getting any holiday icon requests! :[

What can I do to make you all more active?
Banners? Get better at graphics? Promote? Tell me!
Get your customized holiday icon here!

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2013-04-11 04:37 pm UTC (link)
Hi Marge,The first time you try to access the msbemrehip areas at this KnitHeartStrings.com website, you will need to register with email address you are using for the newsletter. On the registration form, use whatever user name you want (just letters or numbers no special characters or spaces) and password you want to use (and will remember!). You will need that user name and password you set up so that you can login to the site. Does this answer your question? Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.

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2013-04-12 12:22 pm UTC (link)
81eV46 fypfeqmqhhgo (http://fypfeqmqhhgo.com/)

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2013-04-12 07:52 pm UTC (link)
a5Rn5P , [url=http://dwtfpnlomqde.com/]dwtfpnlomqde[/url], [link=http://xojuufmpnyfa.com/]xojuufmpnyfa[/link], http://ezelzvgdbnav.com/

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