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won't you fly high, ([info]freebird) wrote in [info]bluesky,
@ 2008-12-07 14:02:00

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It's that time of year! I'm making icons for the holidays!

If you'd like one, please comment with the following:
1. Pick a color: white, green, red, pink, blue, or "doesn't matter". You may ask for stripes, dots, vintage, etc also.
2. Would you like to be wearing a Santa hat? Or a red nose? Or would you like it to say something?
3. Post the picture you'd like to have edited.

- You may have as many as you like!! Happy Holidays!
Also, check out my non-custom graphics community, [info]above, for other holiday stuff!

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2008-12-12 06:41 pm UTC (link)
i havent forgotten about you & josh.. i just work 2 jobs! lmao. pluss i've been depressed to go here because barely anyone requests from me anymore. :[

i've been trying to look up things online about making better icons but there really arent many for custom icons haha. =/

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2008-12-15 06:00 am UTC (link)
okay! just whenever you get around to it!

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2008-12-21 06:09 pm UTC (link)
finally i made it!
i'm soo sorry i've been too busy. =/

hope you like it anyway!

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2008-12-24 07:51 pm UTC (link)
I LOVE IT. It's not even overly Christmas, so I can use it always, haha! :D!

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2008-12-24 08:42 pm UTC (link)
hehe i'm glad!!

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