Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

June 12th, 2012

(no subject) @ 11:10 pm


Characters: Hunter, Chuck, and Sera.
Setting: Extremely backdated, the evening of the day after Chuck and Michiko's fight.
Content: NSFW for violence!
Summary: It's on like Donkey Kong.

Read more... )

June 4th, 2012

Text to Jenny [Monday morning] @ 07:58 pm

Current Mood: busy
Current Music: beez in tha track - nicki minaj

You`ll be at try-outs right? Not that I'm hoping for any sort of special treatment or anything ;)

May 2nd, 2012

(no subject) @ 07:45 am


Characters: Sera & Jenny.
Setting: Commons and campus, Friday, May 4th.
Content: SFW.
Summary: Taking Maurey and Jerry for a walk!

Read more... )

April 4th, 2012

(no subject) @ 09:13 am


Characters: Hunter, Mack, Sera, Kia, & Ella!
Setting: Downtown Atlanta, Thursday night.
Rating: NSFW.
Summary: It's distraction/birthday/any excuse to make Sera drink time!

Well, the party don't start till I walk in. )

March 28th, 2012

Text to Mack, Tatum, Sera, & Shelby @ 11:28 pm


... just got a date with Marney Sykes. don't know how the fuck i pulled that off. i used a lot of ;) faces.

March 11th, 2012

Owl from Sera to Madeline [Thursday] @ 06:20 pm


To: Madeline Donnelly-Rousseau.
From: Seraphim Donnelly-Rousseau.
When: From the hospital owlery, Thursday night.

You have to come to the hospital in Bluebell as soon as you can. Tatum's been hurt, she's just getting out of surgery. I don't have a lot of details yet. She has lost a fair amount of blood, I know that though. I'm still waiting to talk to one of the healer on her case, once they have her set up in a room.

Can you try and get here before then please, if you can? They're going to need to talk to a family member. I know what to say but I just don't know if I can handle it myself yet Or especially if she takes a turn or something. I don't even know what Tatum would want. I can't make those decisions. I'm sorry, I know I'm supposed to be an adult right now but I can't make those decisions. She has to be okay. Mack will want to go in too, of course, but I'd just rather you get the information yourself first hand. I have a bad feeling, I guess.

Will you let dad know too please?? He better might want to come see her too. Please hurry.
- Sera

March 8th, 2012

[Text to Hunter, Thursday night, on the way to the hospital] @ 09:14 pm


Are you already at the hospital? If you get there before me will you send me an update? Especially if she gets out of surgery. Maybe it's better if I just ask Mich-- God I hope she's okay. I know we fight but--

Michi says it's bad, Hunt. I have to tell my parents. I can't just not tell them, she's still their daughter.

The Aftermath of the Full Moon @ 04:15 pm


Characters: Tatum, Michi, Mack, Hunter, Sera, Sam, Leland, & Eddie
Setting: Bluebell Hospital, Thursday night/Friday morning/Friday afternoon
Rating: NSFW? Fighting and cussin as per usuaul
Content: The fate of Tater is decided!!!

It had been a long night. The hospital was a blur, no one knew how long they had been waiting or what was happening but every time someone in a blood soaked uniform stepped forward, everyone tensed in their seats until the doctor walked away. They would find out what was going on with Tatum soon enough.

Text to Mack, Hunter, & Sera, Thursday night @ 04:12 pm


im with tate in the hospital. get here now.

February 24th, 2012

[Text to Jenny, Friday after exams] @ 04:26 pm

Current Mood: drained

I probably should have asked you this a lot sooner, I'm sorry, but do you think I could maybe stay with you and Ella for a few days over break? I just don't wanna cramp everyone's style all week, fifth wheelin' it the whole time ya know?

If not it's cool, I can find somewhere else. I kind of wish I could go home already, atleast to see my mom.

February 20th, 2012

(no subject) @ 05:02 pm


Characters: 15 to 20 guests? EVERYBODY.
Setting: Backdated to Saturday, February 18th! Tatum and Sera's house in Portage Lake, Maine.
Content: NSFW!
Summary: Combo get-together for Mardi Gras and Jenny & Ella's 18th birthday!

When eight o'clock approached, Sera was starting to get a little frantic. )

February 16th, 2012

[Text to Mack and Hunter/Wednesday Afternoon] @ 02:13 am

Current Mood: hopeful
Current Music: I'm Going In - Drake

Hey!! What are you up to this weekend?? Do you think you could help me out with something maybe?

February 15th, 2012

(no subject) @ 10:29 pm


Characters: Sera & Jenny.
Setting: Campus, Sera's car, and around Blue Ridge. Night of Valentine's Day [February 14th 2012].
Content: SFW.
Summary: Sera plans to take Jenny out on the perfect Valentine's day and birthday date, hoping to win her back.

In this life girl, all we can do is try. Forget that dumb stuff, it's just you and I. )

February 13th, 2012

(no subject) @ 03:25 pm


Characters: Jenny & Sera [& Max?]
Setting: February 12th, Sunday night in Sera's room in the Quirank dorms.
Content: SFW except for language and general girls in love stuff.
Summary: Sera wants to talk to Jenny after her date with Charlie, and Jenny doesn't really want to talk to her. Except that she really does. Max interrupts! Chaos ensues.

I'd go back in time and change it but I can't, so if the chain is on your door, I'll understand but this is me swallowing my pride, standing in front of you, saying I'm sorry for that night.  )

[Email to Sera] @ 09:52 am

Current Mood: uncomfortable
Current Music: Taylor Swift - Back to December

To: Sera Donnelly-Rousseau []
From: Tatum Donnelly []
Subject: K awkward but hear me out..

Not trying to be like gay or anything, but if you are actually dead serious about this moving out with us and getting your shit together, uhm.

Well, bitches love Taylor Swift, okay? Just saying. You just might wanna give that one a try, I dunno. It kind of fits eerily good I think, so don't like cry or anything please jesus fuck. I know you're not really musically inclined, so you might have to do it John Cusack style and hold a boombox outside Quirank.

I dunno, consider it some big sisterly advice cos I guess I am technically qualified to give some occasionally..

NOT THAT I LISTEN TO TAYLOR SWIFT. I'm way harder than that.

February 12th, 2012

Text to Sera @ 01:18 pm


yo lil sis, woke up to some hot blue haired chick in my bed. wtf happened last night? any ideas?

Text to Jenny [Sunday afternoon] @ 10:16 am

Current Location: Her room, Quirank House
Current Mood: nervous
Current Music: I'm your baby tonight - Whitney Houston

Hey, last night was crazy, huh? Did you drink the punch too?

February 5th, 2012

The Morning After @ 05:15 pm


Characters: Everyone!
Setting: All over campus! The morning after the Valentine's dance
Rating: Most likely NSFW
Summary: Everyone feels a little weird when the potion wears off

The night before had been quite eventful. Odd couples had fallen into each other's arms and the bleeding heart with it's ominous message had everyone running off with each other to stay the night. As the sun crested over the campus, things were beginning to turn back to normal. The blood had all been cleaned up and people were starting to return to themselves. The love potion was wearing off and people were beginning to realize they were not where they were supposed to be.

Valentines Day Dance 2012 @ 01:17 pm


Characters: Everyone!
Setting: King's Hall, Saturday Feb. 11
Rating: NSFW
Content: It's the Valentine's Dance

Gaudy wasn't the right word for the way that the ball room had been decorated. Gaudy wasn't nearly extreme enough a word to cover the over the top ridiculousness that had occurred in the room. Shades of red, pink, purple, and white flooded all over the hall. Fat, naked cherub toys swung from the ceiling shooting foam, heart shaped arrows down into the crowd. Red hearts floated past and every once in a while, one of the hearts would explode and send glitter all over the place.

Streamers, banners, and table cloths were heart and glitter covered. Staff were watching the students and aurors took a few rounds around the outside of the building. Snack tables were covered in Valentine's Day snacks and the punch was bright red with Valentine's Day themed cups.

January 22nd, 2012

[Text to Hunter - Sunday Afternoon] @ 01:47 pm


I know things are kind of crazy right now with watches and stuff but if you still want a practice run, it should be soon. If it needs any adjustments there's barely enough time for me to start over. When's Mich due again?

ANDD We have to be extra careful now too, now isn't exactly a good time to running around campus like some stranger.

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry