Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

March 28th, 2012

Text to Mack @ 11:36 pm


Where's the little hippie live? I'm gonna fuckin kill him.

Text to Mack, Tatum, Sera, & Shelby @ 11:28 pm


... just got a date with Marney Sykes. don't know how the fuck i pulled that off. i used a lot of ;) faces.

Quodpot, Quidditch, and Spring Fling Dance @ 08:58 pm


Hello students and staff!

This week's birthdays are a short list! Our very own Eddie Rivera Sykes will be celebrating her second birthday tomorrow, March 29th!

It was excellent to see everyone out for the games this past weekend! Roanoke and Quirank faced off Friday night. It seems as though Quirank has recovered from their last game but it was still not enough to beat Roanoke! Roanoke took away the win with just seconds left on the clock leaving everyone standing on their feet! Saturday the quidditch teams played. The school's teams did very well against each other, but it was team two who walked away the victors! Blue Ridge University played against the Badland School quidditch team after and lead a very exciting match and close to the very end. Unfortunately Badlands took home the victory. Still, the BRU quidditch team is leading the way for University records. They are now 9 and 3, one of the best ranks in the league!

This weekend please join us for Quirank and Shenandoah face off on Friday and when the University Quodpot team takes on the Badlands College of Witchcraft and Wizardry this Saturday!

I would like to remind everyone that this years annual Spring Fling Dance will be next Saturday, the 7th of April from 7 pm to 12 am. Please vote here for your themes and Spring Fling Committee. The Committee will begin the dance with a parade, bringing in spring! All students are eligible to be elected and there will be six people (3 boys and 3 girls) on the committee! You may vote for four people, two of each gender.

The spring themes have been discussed at large in the student council and some of the ideas brought up were as follows:

- A masquerade
- A decade dance
- A garden party

Please vote below!!

I am anxious for the nice weather to begin! Let's make it an excellent spring! Thanks so much.

-Headmaster Ichirou Sato

March 20th, 2012

[Text to Charlie] @ 07:38 am


Are you ready to apologize to me yet about costing us that game because you were ogling that ugly little bitch?

March 19th, 2012

March Newsletter @ 08:48 pm


Hello students and staff!

I must apologize for having slacked on our weekly newsletters! It has been a very return from vacation and I believe we're all on the same page in saying we've barely had time to even sit down!! Upon our return to school we had three birthdays to celebrate! Sunny Garcia of Appalachia turned eighteen on the third and Tatum and Rath Donnelly turned nineteen on the fifteenth! Wish them a belated happy birthday if you have not had the chance yet! Speaking of the Donnelly siblings, as most of you know Tatum was hospitalized for serious injuries. She is safe and has been released from the hospital last Sunday. Also, Rath Donnelly has returned to Blue Ridge to study culinary arts with us. We are excited to have them both back and healthy! Our best wishes go out to their loved ones.

Opposed to popular belief, vacation did not do so well for some of our quodpot teams. The first Friday game on the 9th between Quirank and Shenandoah was an unmitigated disaster. In a very uncharacteristic showing of play, captain Charlie Baker, seemingly distracted was knocked from her broom in the first half and was seriously injured. She had to spend the night in the hospital wing getting her bones mended. There was not a single score in the first half of the game and by a fluke Quirank's left tackle made the only goal in the game with only twenty seconds left on the clock. It was a disappointing return to the season. Charlie Baker has now fully recovered from her injuries and we're all very excited to see her get back on her broom. Saturday the 10th, the quidditch team played one another again, Team One took away the day's victory after a an extremely energetic start! The University quidditch team took on the Colorado Institute for Witchcraft and Wizardry. BRU showed Colorado the true meaning of the game by delivering a thorough whooping despite the obvious distractions that our players have faced these past few weeks. Congratulations BRU Quidditch!

This past weekend Appalachia and Shawnee faced off Friday. Despite the shaky start from Appalachia, the team lead by Sunny Garcia is still undefeated and in the lead. Last year's champions seem to be striving for another year with the title. On Saturday the BRU quodpot team took on the Colorado Institute for Witchcraft and Wizardry. Following in the steps of the quidditch team, the University team took home the win. Good job teams!! Please join us next week when Roanoke plays Quirank and on Saturday when the Quidditch team takes on the Badlands College of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Open house last weekend was a huge success and we raised a lot of money for the school! We met the annual goal and went beyond that! With the money we raised we will be able to hold our annual camping trip in July and August, send our teams to championships, and continue affording scholarships to well deserving students! There was even some extra funds! There will be a meeting coming up this Thursday to discuss what the student body would like to do with the extra money that we raised.

Along with all the good news does come some bad news. There has been an unusual raise in violence around campus, namely fighting. I would like to remind everyone that this is a highly frowned upon choice to make. This is our home, we have been so busy protecting ourselves from outside forces that I think some of us have forgotten to keep it safe on the inside. Please refrain from physical fights and if there is a problem you can always come to my office or the offices of Jenny Hough or any of the professors here on campus. As always, keep yourselves and your friends safe. Always travel in numbers and always make sure you're in well lit areas around the campus when the sun goes down. Also, spring is coming on fast students, don't forget to wear sunscreen and drink lots of water!! I hope to see you all out in the beautiful sunshine!

Thank you very much!

-Headmaster Ichirou Sato

March 15th, 2012

(no subject) @ 10:10 pm


Characters: Sam and Ichirou
Setting: Ichirou's office on Friday morning after Sam visited Tatum
Rating: SFW
Content: Sam informs the headmaster of his blunder


March 11th, 2012

Owl from Sera to Madeline [Thursday] @ 06:20 pm


To: Madeline Donnelly-Rousseau.
From: Seraphim Donnelly-Rousseau.
When: From the hospital owlery, Thursday night.

You have to come to the hospital in Bluebell as soon as you can. Tatum's been hurt, she's just getting out of surgery. I don't have a lot of details yet. She has lost a fair amount of blood, I know that though. I'm still waiting to talk to one of the healer on her case, once they have her set up in a room.

Can you try and get here before then please, if you can? They're going to need to talk to a family member. I know what to say but I just don't know if I can handle it myself yet Or especially if she takes a turn or something. I don't even know what Tatum would want. I can't make those decisions. I'm sorry, I know I'm supposed to be an adult right now but I can't make those decisions. She has to be okay. Mack will want to go in too, of course, but I'd just rather you get the information yourself first hand. I have a bad feeling, I guess.

Will you let dad know too please?? He better might want to come see her too. Please hurry.
- Sera

March 8th, 2012

[Text to Hunter, Thursday night, on the way to the hospital] @ 09:14 pm


Are you already at the hospital? If you get there before me will you send me an update? Especially if she gets out of surgery. Maybe it's better if I just ask Mich-- God I hope she's okay. I know we fight but--

Michi says it's bad, Hunt. I have to tell my parents. I can't just not tell them, she's still their daughter.

The Aftermath of the Full Moon @ 04:15 pm


Characters: Tatum, Michi, Mack, Hunter, Sera, Sam, Leland, & Eddie
Setting: Bluebell Hospital, Thursday night/Friday morning/Friday afternoon
Rating: NSFW? Fighting and cussin as per usuaul
Content: The fate of Tater is decided!!!

It had been a long night. The hospital was a blur, no one knew how long they had been waiting or what was happening but every time someone in a blood soaked uniform stepped forward, everyone tensed in their seats until the doctor walked away. They would find out what was going on with Tatum soon enough.

Text to Mack, Hunter, & Sera, Thursday night @ 04:12 pm


im with tate in the hospital. get here now.

March 7th, 2012

Open House @ 06:42 pm


Characters: Everyone!
Setting: Blue Ridge Campus, Friday March 9- Sunday March 11
Content: NSFW, there's bound to be a fight and language
Summary: Open house for fundraising

So far the return to school had gone off without a hitch. Ichirou was careful not to get too comfortable. He knew better than that. But still, they needed to fundraise for the school, the more fundraising they did, the better their school trips and facilities were. With a few volunteers the whole campus was transformed for open house, much like it had been for parents weekend.

There were plenty of sports events. Friday night was the quodpot match between Shenandoah and Quirank. Saturday afternoon there were quidditch games. Sunday morning the fields were reserved for the muggle sports teams to show off what they had been learning. An array of clubs had set up displays and even some of the professors had convinced students to let their work be showcased. The more bragging rights, the better.

(no subject) @ 05:25 pm


Characters: Sam the Wolf and Tater
Setting: On campus, in the woods, Thursday night
Rating: NSFW, Violence/Blood, cursing
Content: Tater has a near death experience.

He knew it was tempting the fates but he hadn't remembered a better experience with the wolf than when he had missed his wolfsbane potion. He had been staring at the little bottle all day, contemplating whether or not he would take it. If he didn't take it, he risked running wild and hurting someone but he knew it would be difficult to get out of the room under King's Hall especially with all the locks and the cuffs. He was sure it would be fine.

Sam waited anxiously as the time ticked away, as the sun sank lower in the sky. He knew it was a chance but the more he suppressed the wolf, the worse his reactions became when the full moon. He had to learn how to cope with it, he would be out of school in just a few years, he needed to know he could control himself. Sneaking away to the room under King's Hall, he locked himself away for the night and waited for the change to come.

Just as it had come on the last time, the transformation began once the moon was full. He screamed and howled as his body began to rip, tear, elongate, and change. In a matter of minutes the wolf stood in the room. He paced back and forth before he began to pull at the chains keeping him tethered to the ground. He wouldn't stay contained, the boy might have been content to sleep in a basement chained like a beast but the wolf would not stand for it. He pulled until the chains broke free of the floor and then violently smashed against the door. The door bent in on itself, he smashed into the door again and it began to crumble. One more time, and though the wolf was bleeding from his shoulders and a little from his face, he finally knocked the door off it's hinges and it crashed to the floor.

He was free. He took off, heading straight for the woods. Walls were for people and he was no person.

Text to Michi @ 06:34 pm

Current Mood: confused

Has Hunter or Mack let you see this 'place' they found yet?? Because apparently I'm not allowed to see it, and I'm beginning to doubt it's real. Perhaps it's like Narnia? I saw interior design magazines with her Hustlers-

March 5th, 2012

(no subject) @ 03:11 pm


Characters: Sasha, Leland, and whoever is passing by
Setting: The commons
Rating: NSFW, violence and cussing
Content: BRO FIGHT (without the bro)

Wearing your black eye like a badge of honor )

February 28th, 2012

(no subject) @ 03:40 pm


Good afternoon students and staff!

I know this newsletter is coming to you late AND over vacation but I felt I owed it to you! First of all I would like to say congratulations to all of you students for getting through the first semester and exams! I have seen your grades and am very impressed with the high marks and ambitious goals you have all achieved this academic semester. Secondly... the weekly quodpot results!!

Friday night Shawnee met Roanoke on the field for a heated game and even though Shawnee gave Roanoke all they had, the orange and white saw victory with excellent team work and determination! It is obvious the Roanoke Bears have been practicing hard! Saturday afternoon the University quodpot team played against the Boston University of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Everyone played a very tough game and gave it their all but in the end Boston took home the win with just seconds left on the clock. Please join us after vacation on the ninth when Shenandoah takes on Quirank and Saturday the tenth when the quidditch teams play!

Winter break is upon us! Please do make sure you enjoy your time off from school and come back refreshed for the second semester! Make sure to wish Sunny Garcia of Appalachia House a happy birthday on Saturday March 3rd!

When we return from school I would like to hold a school wide meeting to plan some activities for the coming spring! We have a dance scheduled for the seventh of April and of course spring break will be the very last week of April. When we return out quodpot finals will begin! It has been exceptionally quiet on campus without all of you here, I can only hope your vacations are going as well as mine! Enjoy the break and I will see you when you return!

Thank you very much!
-Headmaster Ichirou Sato

February 27th, 2012

Luau Party @ 05:24 pm


Characters: Everyone
Setting: The Palakiko family home in Honolulu, HI. Thursday night
Content: NSFW, sooooooooooo much swearing, violence, and ill conceived drama
Summary: Another party! Why? Because we can.

Meka had spent an inordinate amount of time making sure everything was party-ready. She hid breakable things, stocked up on beer (especially Heinikin and Bud for her pit master), and as always, she pulled the kiddie pool out so they could use it as a giant cooler for beers and drinks. It didn't take much to sneak one of her dad's credit cards to buy all the food they would need for an entire school of people and she made sure to clean the pool before people started arriving.

With everything set and ready she finally let herself relax and enjoy some time with her friends and with Sim. She would let the party proceed as it would and not worry about clean up until Friday morning.

February 25th, 2012

Text to Ella @ 10:35 am


Hey, miss you.

Cat in a bucket.

February 24th, 2012

[Text to Jenny, Friday after exams] @ 04:26 pm

Current Mood: drained

I probably should have asked you this a lot sooner, I'm sorry, but do you think I could maybe stay with you and Ella for a few days over break? I just don't wanna cramp everyone's style all week, fifth wheelin' it the whole time ya know?

If not it's cool, I can find somewhere else. I kind of wish I could go home already, atleast to see my mom.

February 22nd, 2012

(no subject) @ 12:31 pm


Characters: Mack & Hunter.
Setting: Bluebell Town.
Content: SFW [Language].
Summary: BFFs apartment hunting together.

Five lesbians and a baby was probably pushing their luck. )

February 20th, 2012

(no subject) @ 05:02 pm


Characters: 15 to 20 guests? EVERYBODY.
Setting: Backdated to Saturday, February 18th! Tatum and Sera's house in Portage Lake, Maine.
Content: NSFW!
Summary: Combo get-together for Mardi Gras and Jenny & Ella's 18th birthday!

When eight o'clock approached, Sera was starting to get a little frantic. )

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry