Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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(no subject) @ 11:10 pm

[info]sosuccsexy posted in [info]blueridgeschool:

"I never said I didn't find cats funny! I just think the jokes would have more of an impact with improved spelling and grammar choices," Jenny replied quickly, pouting back at her, moving her head around again to get a better look of her own.

"She likes Maurey! And Tatum's cat, I think.. and her frogs, though they're kind of boring. She's just not a big animal person, and she hates when Maurey gives her kisses! I think he kisses her more cause he knows. She thinks it's gross when I share ice cream with him," the blonde explained, giggling a little. "She tells me to brush my teeth right after but it's not like he has cooties so I don't always do it right away."

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry