Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

September 8th, 2011


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Date: September 15th, 2011 04:12 pm (UTC)


"I aint makin it about you cause you aint old," he grinned. "If I were gonna make a song about ya it would be something... less jangly," he laughed.

Sam was completely oblivious to anyone looking at but if they opened their mouths he would tell them off for sure. No one messed with his friends. He gave her a little nudge and grinned mischievously and began to play a new song. It was more gentle; soft and sweet but not too corny. It didn't sound like a love ballad, but something more... appreciative. "Like that," he said as the line came to an end.
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Date: September 18th, 2011 06:36 pm (UTC)


Tatum listened closely, leaning moreso against him as he played. By the time he finished, her head had begun to droop, almost reaching his shoulder. She straightened up a bit as he spoke again. She smiled lazily. "I like it, it's way less.. twangy. I think I'm more of like a.. I-I dunno, what that was. Like a jaunty little tune," she suggested, giggling a bit.

"Now I have to play y-you though, I'm gunna.. g-gunna go home and write it, and then you'll be like, whoa Tatum, that was r-really awesome, and I'll be like, I know.. of course," she went on, cracking a little wider smile.

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry