Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Mack/Tatum @ 10:09 pm

[info]ojandtostitos commented on [info]thedirtysouth's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

Tatum rolled her eyes at not being listened to. "What a surprise," she murmured, considering calling the entire thing off. Why did she hang around with Mack anyway? There were way more cons than pros, but every time, here she was. Even after the rude quip about Colin, most of which were still burning freshly in the redhead's brain. She was rude, not paying attention, and she supposed she was still going to teach her.

"Okay," she breathed, grabbing her wand and casting a quick charm onto the weed once it was emptied out of her bag. In a few moments, it was finely chopped, looking a bit like it might actually be potions ingredients or something. Mixing that with the tobacco, she reached into the front of her pocket and got out her papers, removing one from the pack. "I like to, uhm.. like, try to keep it even. Mine usually turn out pregnant anyway, but l-like.. joints are like snowflakes. T-They're all different and they can't a-all be.. perfect," she murmured, concentrating on picking up little bits of the weed between her fingers and emptying it into the waiting paper.

Once it was filled, she held it at arm's length in front of them, so Mack could see her hands and the positions of her fingers. "Here and here.. and then like, use your t-thumbs to roll the bottom up and your i-indexes to roll the top over to m-meet it. See? Like, you're going in both ways. You know?"

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry