Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Mack/Michi @ 05:34 pm

[info]thedirtysouth posted in [info]blueridgeschool:

Mackenzie just grinned at Michi's flustered response, it made her glad to see that her friends cared so much for each other. If anyone she knew deserved happiness, it was her two best friends. "She never shuts up about you, you know," Mack informed her younger friend, shaking her head. She gave Michi a serious look, and rubbed the back of her head feeling awkward. "Just...don't hurt her Mich. She might be thick headed, but she isn't invincible like she claims to be. I mean, I know you wouldn't hurt her but I just gotta make sure, you know?"

Grinning at Michi now that the awkward part was over, she stuck out her tongue at the other girl. "And don't tell no one that I got kind mushy over the big oaf! It'd ruin my reputation, I know where you sleep at night!"

She leaned her own head against the other girl's as she leaned on her shoulder and gave her a non-committal shrug in response to the younger girl's question. "You know me, I don't really do the whole relationship thing," She said with a small frown. She took a slow sip of her drink, debating if she should mention Tatum. She wasn't even sure how she really felt about the redhead, it wasn't often she actually pursued someone the way she had been after the other girl. "I...uh...guess Sera's sister Tatum is kinda cute, for a weird ginger freshman. I don't think she cares for me much though," She said finally. "She claims she has a boyfriend too, not that it's really an issue. It's just annoying as hell! I mean, last time I said anything about the stupid guy she dumped her drink on my head! Total close case," she ranted, getting a agitated as she thought about the girl.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry