Hunter lost it at private parts. When did the poor kid turn into such a grandma? It was really sort of sad. She could still recollect the carefree senior year mornings rolling around in the sheets with her, and she sure as hell hadn't been as reserved then. She was wound so tight these days, it was sort of sad to see when the blonde knew all of the chaos lurking just beneath her shiny surface.
When Mack began to tease Sera, Hunter had to join in. "She knows all about it, don't doubt her. I've seen the psych evaluations.. it ain't nothin' pretty," Hunter mock whispered, shaking her head sadly for her best friend. She almost lost it when Sera agreed to be all theirs, cracking into a wide grin as Mack practically felt the younger girl up across from her. Hunter thought to make a comment and get them both embarrassed by bringing up Tatum, but decided to let it slide for now. She was sure by the end of the night, the redhead would be plenty disgusted if she saw half of what was going to happen.
She watched Mack kissing Sera's neck before she came to stand beside her, and Hunter threw her arms into the air as Mack spoke. "Exactly! Old times sake, come on.. remember, pookie? I wanna play! You're alllll mine!" she whined, doing her best imitation of freshman Sera, complete with an overdramatic pout as she held up the bottle of wine and waved it around in front of the brunette again. She knew Sera would get over herself eventually, and the look on her face as she watched the bottle moving showed Hunter that they had her hook, line and sinker now. She was too much of a snob for her own good. "Real nice wine, ain't cheap," Hunter reminded her innocently, turning around and putting it back down on the DJ booth.
"But I guess if you don't want to party with us.. some other little whore will drink it.. probably drink it out of a plastic cup instead of this priceless crystal Sommer family heirloom.