Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Mack/Tatum @ 10:34 pm

[info]ojandtostitos commented on [info]thedirtysouth's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

"N-Normal people don't talk about t-that to their friends at all," Tatum sulked quietly in response. She shrugged a little at Mack's apology, just nodding her head. Though she hated to give the blonde the benefit of the doubt, she knew the older girl had a tendency to run her mouth without thinking. It didn't make it appropriate, but it wasn't unforgivable. "W-Whatever, it's done so j-just forget it," she murmured.

She wished she hadn't spilled her drink, she wanted something to stare into and she really needed to be drunk to deal with this. Reaching beside them, she picked up a cup of half empty beer and peered inside, scrunching up her face at the cigarettes ashed out and floating in it. She quickly put it back down and clued into the fact that Mack was talking to her.

"Athletes are lame," she replied easily, the most confident words she had spoken to the blonde all night. She couldn't believe she had said it, and quickly ducked her head a bit. "A-Anyway, I guess I can see how you're, like.. a-all square and shit and c-concerned about your scholarships I'm sure," she went on, rolling her eyes. "Why would you have to go undercover and s-smoke dope? That doesn't make any sense," she muttered.

It was stupid, but Tatum decided not to make fun of her any more. She usually tried to avoid mocking people, even when they were moronic, because she hated it happening to her. Treat others as you want to be treated, dad always said. "Knock my brains i-in then cause I'm telling my sister about that, you weirdo," she joked, sighing and leaning back into the couch cushions so she could reach into the pockets of her jeans. She pulled out a little bag of weed and retrieved her wand as well, looking up expectantly at Mack. "Do you got a cigarette case for me to work on?"

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry