Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Michi/Hunter @ 03:58 pm

[info]texasranger commented on [info]thedirtysouth's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

"Plus she's real shit at playin' hide an' go seek.. if she never had Kia with her, she never woulda found me even one damn time in her whole life! That bitch ain't go no game!" Hunter added, laughing lightly at the thought. It had been a long time since she had hid somewhere and really did Mack in. That would be her plan for the next party, she decided, laughing harder and storing it away mentally with her other schemes.

Hunter's eyes lit up at the prospect of a day of playing hookie, and she quickly nodded her head up and down with furious agreement. "For sure! Even if I don't catch it or nothin'.. shit, I'll still stay home with ya," she informed her proudly. Hunter was never opposed to missing a class, even if auror training was providing her with subjects that better held her interest than her core classes from high school. School work was still school work.

"Can we watch Remember the Titans? Oh shit, how about Friday Night Lights?" she suggested. If it was a football movie, Hunter pretty much owned it.


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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry