Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Mack/Tatum @ 02:05 pm

[info]thedirtysouth posted in [info]blueridgeschool:

Mackenzie was surprised when she felt a tension drop out of her shoulders at the girl's reluctant acceptance of her apology. She was relieved that the redhead hadn't decided that she absolutely hated her. The blonde wasn't exactly sure why she cared so much what this kid thought of her, she had never really cared what anyone thought of her. Tatum was different for some reason though, and the earlier comment of how she was being rude was still nagging at her slightly. She couldn't back pedal and say that she wasn't trying to be rude, because in all honesty, she had known what kind of effect that comment would have. She hadn't intended to upset the girl as much as she had though, she had thought at most the girl would get slightly flustered with her.

"I told you I didn't mean 'nothing by it," She mumbled again, not wanting to make eye contact with the redhead. She was rubbing her neck sheepishly now, and was feeling extremely uncomfortable with the immense guilt that plagued her. Since when did she care so much about anyone else this much besides Hunter and Michi? "I forget that some people don't talk 'bout that kind of thing as much as Hunt and I do. And I can't really say that I didn't do it to get to you, but I honestly didn't think you'd be this upset, so, I'm sorry."

She shut up quickly after that, things were starting to get a little too heartfelt. Mackenzie was sure that it must have been the booze talking at this point, she never got this sincere about apologies. Admitting that she was wrong about something was hard for the blonde to do, and she wasn't about to let that be the dwelling point of the conversation. Clearing her throat roughly, she smirked slightly at the shock the younger girl expressed at her request.

"I...uh...don't really smoke much?" She offered lamely, grinning slightly embarrassed. The blonde wasn't even sure why she felt so lame for admitting that, it all came back to the idea that she might actually care what Tatum thought about her. "You know, being an athlete and all, it's not really somethin' I'm supposed to do. Violates all kinds of rules. But I, uh, guess it could be seen as some in the field research for my training? Ya' know, like, in case I have to go undercover."

It sounded stupid the second it left her mouth, and she was close to actually blushing out of embarrassment. That's when she knew that she had too much to drink, because Mackenzie Dubinsky didn't blush when it came to women. Especially younger ones with anxiety issues who hated her because she was rude. Groaning slightly, she plopped down on the couch next to Tatum, hands rubbing furiously at her face. "Don't you ever tell anyone that I said somethin' like that, capiche? Or...I'll knock your brains in."

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry