Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Mack/Tatum @ 12:00 am

[info]ojandtostitos commented on [info]thedirtysouth's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

Tatum usually hated any kind of attention, it was all pretty much unwanted for her, and it was part of why she never understood girls like Hunter and Mack. How did they live in the spotlight all of the time? It just seemed absurd, and stressful too. She knew it was her own fault for overreacting, as she often did when Colin got brought up, but she could feel the eyes around them boring into her like lasers and it was driving her insane.

She hated the way Mack spoke down to her, telling her to chill out basically, but sounding like some condescending southern stereotype while she did it. She talked to her like she was cattle or something, Tatum decided. Still shaking, she managed a firm scowl in the blonde girl's direction, glowering at her slightly. When Mack grabbed her shoulders, she almost ducked away, but stayed purely rigid instead.

Opening her mouth to protest about going anywhere else with Mackenzie, Tatum was shut up as soon as the older girl's grabbed her hand without warning and began to practically haul her away from the prying eyes at the bar scene. A little drunk and a lot irritated, the redhead tried to ignore the way their hands fit together, the way their fingers felt like they were dying to be linked together. When Mack gripped tighted, Tatum instinctively squeezed back.

Sitting sullenly onto the couch, she stared up at Mack with a moody expression. "Did I-I have to make a scene!? Y-Y-You can't j-just ask people s-s-stuff like that, you're-- y-you're so rude!" Tatum practically gasped, bursting to get it out there. She rarely blew up at people, but Mack was learning how to press her buttons from somewhere, presumably Sera, and she was doing it more and more often. It seemed like for every time they had a day where she didn't upset her, there would be a day soon after that would ruin it all over again and make Tatum furious with the older girl.

It was hard to believe sometimes that the charming girl who brought her coffee in the library, despite the no food or drinks rule, and watched her study was the same girl who played every girl on campus and talked out of her ass every other day.

Sniffing indignantly and turning her head a bit to show she basically accepted the other girl's apology, shrugging her shoulders. "I don't want t-to talk about him a-anymore.."

When Mack asked for her help, Tatum's brows immediately knit together. What could she possibly need her help with? They did homework together sometimes, but their course loads had always been drastically different. They rarely actually helped each other with the work, but what else could it be? When the other girl just came out with what it really was, Tatum appeared to immediately visibly soften to her.

"Y-You.. c-can't roll a spliff?" she asked, chewing her lip a little as she stared at the blonde standing in front of her still. "How do y-you live?"

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry