Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Michi/Hunter @ 08:35 pm

[info]texasranger commented on [info]thedirtysouth's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

That was really all that Hunter needed to hear. She was usually one of the last people left at a party, or at least one of the last ones to pass out, but just hearing how upset her girlfriend sounded was enough to make the blonde call it a night in a heartbeat. She had her fun, but now there were more important things to deal with. Responsibility always made her feel vaguely strange, but she fell into the role pretty well.

"Ya got it, baby.. no problem. C'mere," she replied, shifting herself around so that she could get a better grip on the younger girl. She was pretty drunk, but she was fairly sure she could carry Michi back to University House no problem without dropping her or killing either of them. So long as she didn't trip or something spectacularly stupid.

"My room, 'kay?" she asked, though it was more of a statement. Unless Michi decided she wanted her own room, in which case she would go there and stay with her instead. Standing slowly but steadily, she lifted Michi with her. "Hang onto my neck, kiddo."

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry