Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Mack/Tatum @ 08:14 pm

[info]ojandtostitos commented on [info]thedirtysouth's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

"It's uhm-" Tatum began, shutting up as Mack went on and came to her own correction conclusion. "Y-Yeah, one of.. t-those.. it's uhm, 3D. Obviously. I don't think l-like, uhm.. pop off the screen 3D, but I l-love 3D," she murmured, feeling stupider and lamer by the second. She chugged more drink to shut herself up again. She made a little face from behind the cup when the blonde called her 'T'. It was an annoying habit of a nickname that the older girl seemed to have picked up over the last year or so of pestering the redhead.

She had seen the look on the blonde girl's face while she spoke about Colin, and she knew something was coming, bracing herself for a comment of some sort. Mack was notorious for them, though usually she wasn't as crude as her best friend and counterpart. Tatum was thankful for that at least. "Yeah," she replied absently to it being sweet. She guessed it sort of was. Girls were supposed to love hanging all over their boyfriends, but to her, it had felt more sort of like a summer of hanging out with her friend and the chore of kissing him. And that had just been the good parts, before the whole summer had ended on a sour note of it's own.

Not that she was about to say any of that to Mackenzie, of course. Not if the other girl put a gun to her head.

When the blonde asked if they had sealed the deal, Tatum felt her cheeks lighting up like a Christmas tree. "W-What?!" she stammered out, dropping her drink and spilling what was left all over the top of the bar. "D-Did we-- what!? That's n-none of your business!" Tatum practically shouted back, surprising even herself with how appalled she sounded. Shoving the stool back, she stood up.


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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry