Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Eden/Tatum @ 07:50 pm

[info]ojandtostitos commented on [info]thedirtysouth's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

"T-This?" Tatum stammered, turning her head slowly to stare blankly at her own hand. "Uhm, y-yeah, here!" she quickly added, holding it out obediently to the other girl as if it had suddenly turned poisonous or something.

It didn't really matter that the girl was even smaller than her, a rare feat indeed, just the way she had given her that once over had left her on edge. Stiffening like a board as Eden propped against her shoulder, the redhead's eyes were as wide as saucers in the dark.

"H-Hipster bullshit a-anyway," Tatum whispered back numbly in reply to the younger girl's comment about her Pabst.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry