Mackenzie waited nervously for the redhead to answer her question, finding hope in the fact that Tatum didn't seem pissed off at her for asking. She was happily surprised when the other girl honestly answered her question, it was probably one of the first times that Mack had asked her something and wasn't told to fuck off in response. Her response interested the taller girl, while she wasn't surprised that Tatum was claiming to have never kissed a girl, there seemed like there might be something else to the story. Mackenzie dismissed the thought however, it wasn't relevant to her current mission.
"Well, like, I know you've had boyfriends," She responded, rolling her eyes as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Tatum always seemed to have to remind her of how straight she was, it irked the older blonde to no end. That was why she always poked at Tatum about being gay, because why would the girl have to remind everyone all the time if she wasn't trying to hide something?
"But haven't you ever wondered what it's like?" She asked, glancing over at Tatum cautiously. It was thin ice she was walking on here, and she knew if she made one wrong move, the whole thing would come crashing down on her. She scooted a little bit closer to the redhead, and leaned in so she could whisper in her ear. She made sure to not let their bodies touch though, not yet anyway. "You've never been...curious? Just wanted one little kiss?"