Hunter's eyebrows furrowed a bit, and although she was pretty loaded, there was something nagging and pulling at the inside of her. Something wasn't right here, and she felt like maybe she should get have gotten up and gone to get Mack or something. When it came to serious situations, Mack was always the blonde to go to, not her.
But this was Michiko, and she had every intention to take care of the other girl on her own if she could. That had been part of her promise from the begging. Michi wouldn't need anyone as long as she had her.
"Right? They're gunna gushy anyway.. nobody likes a gushy worm," the blonde murmured, pressing a light kiss against the other girl's temple when Michi leaned into her. Frowning and lifting her hand from her girlfriend's back, she reached into her own hair and pulled the elastic from her ponytail out, using that to pull back Michi's hair better instead. With both hands now free, she rubbed the younger girl's shoulders firmly while she got sick.
"I'm right here, boo. I'll set up camp out here if ya ned me," she half-joked.