Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Mack/Tatum @ 03:54 pm

[info]thedirtysouth posted in [info]blueridgeschool:

Mackenzie snorted slightly at Tatum's claim that Sera was just jealous, Sera never really struck the blonde as the type to be jealous of things like that. She had a sneaking suspicion that the younger girl only cared because she was lame, rule abiding Sera now and not the little rebel that Hunter had dated. She decided it probably wasn't a good idea to bring that up to Tatum though, she didn't know how much the older Donnelly sister really knew about that three months. Sera had already sworn her to secrecy about a lot of things that happened during that time, and Mack wasn't quite sure if she could keep track of them. "A 3DS? The hell is that?” She didn’t really mean for it to sound as rude as it probably did, it was just a product of growing up with Hunter. “I uh….ain’t it one of those hand held video game things?”

The blonde couldn’t disagree when Tatum reminded her that she had deserved it, she still screwed up her face a bit. “Yeah, yeah, if you say so T,” she shrugged lightly. She was still slightly ticked off about the whole thing, it hadn’t even been the worst dig she had made at the younger girl. She honestly felt bad for the younger girl, she was so far back in the closet she had probably taken up residence in Narnia at this point. Mackenzie didn’t understand why it was so hard for her to just accept who she was though, it wasn’t as if she didn’t have a million people around her who wouldn’t be okay with it. She knew from Sera that their father wasn’t the poster parent for acceptance of these things, but Sera was out and proud anyway. Most importantly though, Mackenzie didn’t like seeing the little redhead so sad all the time. There was a definite sadness that she saw in the other girl’s eyes that broke the blondes heart. She was only the massive dick that she was because she didn’t know how else to handle Tatum’s blatant denial.

She was brought out of her thoughts by Tatum’s second comment of how the blonde angering women was believable and scoffed. “Some women just don’t know what southern charm is!” She insisted, waving her hand at Tatum as if to physically wave off the comment. She was feeling pretty good about the way this conversation was going, Sera had been almost right. Even if she had given Mack a list of instructions and made her memorize them before the party. The blonde girl would never understand what the deal was with that girl and her damn lists! Mackenzie was about to actually listen nicely to Tatum talk about her summer when she started gushing about Colin.

The blonde’s mouth hung open slightly, and all she could do was listen in horror as the redhead rattled off everything she had done with the boy. It wouldn’t have been as irritating if she hadn’t done everything with the boy, but Mack honestly didn’t need a list of all the magical moments that Tatum had over the summer. Didn’t she do anything else when she was home? Mackenzie was sure she was going to throw up, and she never threw up at parties.

“How…sweet,” she said finally. She tried not to let the sour expression she wanted to make on her face, and ended up looking a bit sick instead. She wasn’t jealous or anything, Mackenzie Dubinsky didn’t get jealous. She was only angry because Tatum was so obviously not into the relationship she was in. “Sounds like a fairy tale summer to me. Did ya’ll seal the deal too?” The words left her mouth before she could even think about what she was actually saying. She regretted them instantly, she knew that if it had happened, Sera would have called her to rant. She also knew that it was an extremely sensitive subject for the redhead, and she was probably going to end up with another drink on her head.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry