Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Mack/Tatum @ 08:39 pm

[info]thedirtysouth posted in [info]blueridgeschool:

The corner's of the blonde girl's mouth twitched lightly as her grin grew a little bit bigger. “Working, huh?” She asked, tilting her head to the side in thought. “Sera mentioned something about your business, how’s that working out for you? I hope you’re not working too hard, the whole point of a party is to relax a little you know.” She winked at the redhead, and shot her a flirtatious smile. “Maybe let off a little steam?”

The other girls obvious discomfort at the situation at hand was amusing. There was something else about the girl's unease though, something that was nagging at the older girl. Usually, Mackenzie liked to make people feel uncomfortable just to see them squirm. She also liked to seduce cute girls, it was just part of her endless list of hobbies. Tatum was different however, Mackenzie actually found the girl's manic anxiety cute. She wasn't sure when she started thinking of the redhead's stuttering as adorable, but she couldn't help but want to reassure the girl. She wanted to reach out and give the younger girl's shoulder a small squeeze.

Realizing that she had been staring at the younger girl for longer than was necessary, she downed the rest of her drink, and waved the bartender over for another one. Why confront your feelings if you can just have another drink instead? When the bartender finally came over, she noticed that Tatum’s cup was sadly empty and the girl was boring holes in it with her eyes. “The lovely lady would like another drink too,” She instructed, nodding in Tatum’s direction. She wasn’t sure what exactly the redhead was drinking, but the bar keep seemed to know as he slid another full cup in front of the nervous redhead. She took a small sip of her own drink, enjoying the calming buzz that was starting up in her head. She had almost forgotten that Tatum had asked her a question, and she bit her lip thoughtfully until it came back to her.

“Yeah, it’s kind of my party,” Mackenzie shrugged, a small smile on her lips. “I didn’t think you’d come though, seeing as it is my party.” She took another sip of her drink and turned to face Tatum so she could really get a good look at her. The blonde girl let her eyes wander up and down the redhead unabashedly, her smile growing a little when she noticed the tie that she wore around her neck. Tatum was cute, and Mack wouldn’t mind making good use of that tie. Sera had made her promise that she would back off though and try the younger girls approach to winning over her sister. Mack wasn’t sure when she started taking dating advice from sixteen year olds, but she had tried everything else at this point. “I kind of got the impression that you hated me last time I saw you, you know, considering that you dumped your drink on me.”

She had kind of deserved it, to be honest, Mack had pushed the younger girls buttons a little too much. Tatum had been gushing about her boyfriend back in Maine and Mackenzie had made an offhand comment about the girls sexuality. The blonde couldn’t even remember, but not soon after she had, there had been coffee all over her head. It hadn’t been the first time that a girl had dumped a drink on her, but she had actually felt slightly bad about it this time around. Sera had spent a good half hour scolding her while she washed the sticky mess off.

Laughing lightly to show the redhead that she wasn’t mad about the whole ordeal, she smiled gently at the younger girl. “Hey, no hard feelings though, it’s not the first time I’ve made a girl mad at me,” she set her drink down and went back to staring at the girl curiously. “So…uh…how was your summer then? Do anything fun?”

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry