Gemma couldn't help the small smile that formed on her lips. Part of it was because of the fear and anxiety she knew was pumping through the veins of the Revolutionaries and part of it was because she was looking forward to finally taking down the school. They had been there for so long, waiting on the edges and poking. It all started last year when they set the bombs off in the school parking lot at homecoming and now it would come full circle, start a true revolution. They would take the school tonight and in a few weeks, they would take on the wizarding government.
"It's been so damn long," she said quietly. "It'll be nice to finally make a move out in the open. I don't want to hide anymore Samir," she smiled, a hint of madness in her eyes. "Tonight will be brilliant."
"We'll have to organize the students first thing in the morning every morning to make sure they're all accounted for. We need to allow them little freedoms while really we're crushing the resistance out of them. Soon enough... soon enough they'll follow, all of them. We'll give them a reason to follow or show them the dire consequences for resisting."