Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

October 18th, 2012

HALLOWEEN @ 07:16 pm


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Date: October 19th, 2012 12:17 am (UTC)


"You damn well know I am," she muttered, squeezing Hunter's hand a little. She wasn't normally one to be jumpy but leaving Izzy with his aunties and wandering off into the woods just seemed like a bad idea on Halloween. "All the weirdos and freaks are out," she grinned as Hunter pushed her against the tree.

She leaned forward through, catching Hunter's lips. "I trust ya though Hunt, and I know with all yer trainin' we're gonna be just fine." She pushed a lock of Hunter's hair behind her ear and smiled adoringly. "I can't wait to get married," she said lightly. Now that they were parents and things had settled down a little with Isamu, it was easier to dream about getting in a wedding dress and walking down an aisle. It had always been there, just in the back of her head but she could finally see it, imagine it.
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Date: October 19th, 2012 12:22 am (UTC)


"We left our kid with all of the weirdos and freaks," Hunter snorted back, just barely controlling her giggles as she met Michi in a kiss. She tilted her head into the other girl's hand as she brushed her hair behind her ear, and she nodded in agreement. "Me either," she admitted. "Never thought I'd say that. Me, gettin' married.. but you're worth it."

She really hadn't ever thought about marriage before Michi. Marriage had always been something that her parents expected out of her, and expected to moderate and control for her. But she wanted this for herself, and they couldn't control that. Izzy wasn't why, but he had solidified it for her, what she wanted in her life. The fact that her marriage to Michi would piss her mother and father off was like icing on the cake.

"I wouldn't let anything happen to my wifey," Hunt assured her, dipping her head down and kissing the younger girl's neck, tipping her chin up.
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Date: October 19th, 2012 12:29 am (UTC)


Michi giggled into Hunter's kiss. "You can say that again," she grinned. She closed her eyes contentedly as Hunter began kissing her neck, rubbing the other girl's back. "I never thought I'd be this happy to let someone sweep me away the way you have."

"I know you wouldn't," she sighed happily. "Just like I wouldn't let anything happen to you." It was like they were in their own little happy bubble, completely oblivious to anything else happening in the world around them. Too busy with each other to notice those things that crept around them in the dark night.
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Date: October 19th, 2012 12:41 am (UTC)


"I know, I'm a catch," Hunter chuckled against Michi's neck, kissing along the other girl's jawline, working her way up to her ear. She was glad that Mack had agreed with take Izzy home and get him settled in for the night, they needed time alone like this. Iz was a good baby mostly, but Hunter spent more time up in the middle of the night still than she would prefer, and privacy was almost nonexistent. Even with his own room, she found that she even more than Michi usually ended up taking him into their room with them anyway.

But as much as she loved her little son's company, his absence was much appreciated for the time being. She was definitely absorbed in Michi, and the act of trying to seduce her, oblivious as ever even as someone or something began to creep closer, just over her shoulder. "You think ya wiggle out of them shorts for me?"
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Date: October 19th, 2012 12:47 am (UTC)


"You really are," she giggled, slipping her hand up under the fabric of Hunter's shirt and teasing gently at her girlfriend's breasts with a devilish smile. She was glad for the moment that Mack and Tatum had taken Izzy and was about to wiggle out of her shorts just as Hunter had asked when she heard a loud crack behind Hunter. She peeked over the other girl's shoulder and what she saw had her go pale.

She tried to scream but nothing came out. She knew she had to do something though so she pointed over Hunter's shoulder at the horror that was slowly creeping through the woods toward them. With it's arms hanging at it's sides and it's clearly broken neck at an odd angle, Michi would have thought it almost comical except for the fact that she had read about Inferi and she knew that they were real.

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry